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Parshas Korach tells the dramatic story of Korach’s rebellion against Moshe and Aaron. Korach, a Levite, challenges their leadership, claiming, “The entire congregation is holy, and...
I just returned from New York for the annual Chabad Lubavitch Shluchim Conference. It’s our annual opportunity for continued development and growth, to hear each other’s...
The 18th day of the month of Elul, or Chai Elul as it’s often referred to, holds dual significance as the birthdays of the Baal Shem...
This week, we read the parsha of Bamidbar in which we learn about G-d commanding Moshe to take a census of the Jewish people in the...
In this week’s parshah, Bo, we read of the plague of darkness, the ninth plague to strike the ancient Egyptians. The rich description in the Torah...
This week, we read the parsha of Re’eh, in which Moses instructs the Jewish people to bring their tithes to Jerusalem. For those who lived far...
This week’s Torah portion, Emor, begins, “And G-d spoke to Moses, ‘Emor – say to the kohanim priests, the sons of Aharon, ve’amarta (and tell them).’”...
This week we read the portion of Yisro, which contains one the most famous passages of the Torah – the Ten Commandments. We read of the...
In this week’s Torah portion, Lech Lecha, we read about the first Jew, Avraham, who resisted the tide of paganism, idolatry, and immorality. Society had moved...
Shavuot begins this Sunday night, and the highlight of the festival – apart from cheesecake – is the reading of the ten commandments in synagogues on...
On Shabbat morning, 10th Shevat 5710, 28 January 1950, the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, left this world. One year later, the seventh Lubavitcher...
In this week’s Torah portion, we read that Jacob journeyed to his mother’s family in Haran while on the run from his murderous brother Esau. As...
Who would ever have thought when we went into lockdown on Pesach, we would still be reeling from the effects of COVID-19 at Rosh Hashanah? My...
The ten commandments are perhaps the most famous part of the Torah. They appear first in the book of Shemos/Exodus, and they are repeated in this...