
Are we heading towards a racist society again?

The racial furore in South African social media over recent weeks, brought hideous comments from across the spectrum. It started with one Penny Sparrow calling black revellers on Durban beach on New Year’s Day “monkeys” – a posting which quickly went viral. One of the worst responses was a Facebook comment by a black, Gauteng province employee calling for blacks to do to whites what “Hitler did to the Jews”. He said he hated all whites.



Geoff Sifrin

Taking Issue

The ethos of a liberal South African society where all are treated as individual human beings regardless of race, is retreating, despite laudable proposals by jurists to criminalise racist comments.

Increasingly in public discourse, people are described according to the group they are perceived to belong to and forced into that category, whether they feel part of it or not – whites and blacks can’t escape that identity.

South African Jews are caught in a double bind. On one hand they belong to the white minority in a country where the black majority is increasingly outspoken at white privilege deriving from apartheid, and the ideology is to break down black-white barriers.

On the other hand, South African Jews have their own strong group identity, marry and socialise mostly with other Jews, send some 85 per cent of their children to Jewish schools, and have their own welfare institutions.

This essential aspect of Jewish culture, always present in whichever country they live, is one reason Jews have survived for centuries. They have no desire to relinquish this identity.

Thus far there have been few major anti-Jewish incidents – except from some marginal individuals – and authorities have quickly denounced those that have occurred. The vitriol has rather concentrated on whites and blacks as groups. But history shows repeatedly that once extreme identity politics starts to boil, it usually ends up targeting Jews as part of its madness.

This trend coincides with a resurgence of identity politics worldwide based on ethnicity, race, religion or nationalism. In Europe, the rising nationalist backlash – starting from the right, but increasingly across the political spectrum – against Middle Eastern immigrants and refugees, is palpable.

One example is rightwing German anti-immigrant movement Pegida, which has called for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ouster for permitting such a liberal policy towards Muslim immigrants and threatening German identity.

In the United States, Donald Trump, the rising GOP candidate for president, unashamedly sprouts racist jargon against Muslims and immigrants. He says he is simply saying what lots of Americans are thinking but won’t actually come out and say, because of political correctness.

In the Middle East, radical Islam is on the march; groups like ISIS pursue an agenda to dismantle existing states and create an Islamic caliphate, and to subvert the Western world and turn it into an Islamic realm.

A recent example of identity politics in Israel – far less radical but still ominous – is disqualification of the novel Borderlife by Israeli author Dorit Rabinyan from inclusion in the high school curriculum.

It is about a love affair in New York between a Jewish Israeli woman and Palestinian man. A senior Education Ministry official deemed it inappropriate for Israeli high schoolers, declaring: “Young people of adolescent age tend to romanticise and don’t, in many cases, have the systemic vision that includes considerations involving maintaining the national-ethnic identity of the people and the significance of miscegenation”. Uproar ensued, with some seeing this as defending racial separation.

How to prevent extreme identity politics destroying liberal society? People need a group identity, but also the right to be treated as individuals. Sadly, the balance and wise leadership necessary are both in short supply today.


Read Geoff Sifrin’s regular columns on his blog



  1. nat cheiman

    Jan 13, 2016 at 1:11 pm

    ‘Trump is correct. READ \” until we find out what the hell is going on\”.

    You are taking Trump out of context. He is not anti Muslim.

    The problem is that it is not radical Christians, or Jews, nor Hindus that are committing these terrorist acts and all that Trump wants to do is to protect Americans. What on earth is wrong with that?

    And of course \” Mama Merkel \” is threatening the identity of the German population.What would happen if Mr Netanyahu took in 1 million Muslims into Israel? Its a no brainer.

    In any event, the vitriol is confined to a few hurtful incidents which are isolated. ‘

  2. Gary

    Jan 13, 2016 at 1:48 pm

    ‘Why would people in Europe oppose mass Islamic immigration? only because the migrants gang rape their women and groom and pimp girls as young as 11 and declare shariah zones and attack people on the streets and dont respect the laws of the country

    Does opposing the Islamization of their countries this make them far right or ‘racist’ or Nazis or only human?’

  3. Gary

    Jan 13, 2016 at 1:53 pm

    ‘I support people’s right to live and be themselves. PEGIDA, the English Defence League and Britain first and Geert Wilders PVV are not racists or Nazis . They are seeing their country being stolen from them and saying ‘I want my country back!’

    They are partiots with love of country true to core values being snatched from them’

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