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Christian manifesto calls for peace of Jerusalem



Christian delegates, among them pastors, evangelists, ministry, worship, and church leaders from all denominations around South Africa, recently gathered in a display of solidarity at the Mount Zion Prayer Hill in Meadowdale, Johannesburg, to launch a manifesto focused on promoting the peace of Jerusalem.

The proceedings were brought alive by the blast of shofars and collective declarations, in which Christian participants said they would commit themselves to praying for peace, and promote Jerusalem’s prosperity.

Titled the Jerusalem Manifesto, it encourages Christians not to get lost in the distraction and chaos of unfolding events, but to set their sights on Jerusalem and what G-d has established through the city as the “heart of the world”.

Mount Zion visionary Dr Nico Landman said, “Manifestos have always been used as an instrument to bring clarity and stability during a time of transition. This manifesto is designed to bring focus to local churches and the community to create solidarity of purpose, which is to step up as ‘watchmen on the wall’ for the peace and prosperity of Jerusalem. The scripture given on the day was Isaiah 62:6-7: ‘I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.’”

Landman said the meeting wasn’t a political platform. “We don’t belong to this or that group, but we stand for Jesus, whom we believe is the prince of peace. We believe it’s only the covenant-keeping G-d of Israel who can establish unity in diversity.”

Landman referred to South Africa, the so-called “Rainbow Nation”, with its many languages, tribes, people and diversity, and then to Jerusalem, through the gates of which different “tribes” entered to come together in unity.

“You’re rightly referred to as the religious and historical epicentre of the world,” Landman read about Jerusalem to the crowds. “Your city is a mix of ancient and present culture, with many archaeological layers of civilisation which have been established over four millennia.”

Landman said he believed the manifesto was a seed of love for Jerusalem that would grow in the hearts of Christians. He made an analogy with the founding with his wife, Mimi, of the Mount Zion Prayer Hill on 11 September 2002, 21 years ago, when he and Mimi dedicated it to the Lord.

“Today, different nations meet here, and we hold large conferences and worship and prayer gatherings which bring Christian communities together. But this all started with just a seed, which was ignited by the spirit of G-d. We believe the same will be true for this manifesto.”

Landman said the manifesto’s launch was just the starting point for a national roll-out, with an indefinite finishing line. He said a YouTube channel and social media pages would be set up, allowing for the sharing of content promoting the prosperity and peace of Jerusalem, which encouraged contributions from all residents, even those of the Jewish faith, united by a love for the G-d of Israel.

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