Letters/Discussion Forums

Comparing Clinton to Rabin dishonours the latter

I would like to comment on Yitzhak Rabin’s son’s immature comments about Donald Trump, as reported in last week’s Jewish Report.



Avner Eliyahu Romm

It is any person’s and any politician’s basic right to doubt the sincerity of the election commissions in their country and it is everyone’s right to doubt the sincerity of the mainstream media and everyone knows it is biased in the West.

And above all, comparing Hillary Clinton to the late Prime Minister Rabin is dishonouring the latter. I would compare Clinton and the possibility of her being assassinated to a certain person (the initials of his name were AP) who was killed in Argentina a few years after the Second World War.

It is unknown whether any government did it or some underground movement, or any individuals. In short, I would compare Hillary Clinton to that “Mr AP”, but not to Rabin.





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