
Diller Teen Fellows tackle period poverty



Diller Teen Fellows this year focused on the issue of “period poverty” in underprivileged communities. The Grade 11s on the programme collaborated with non-governmental organisations Fingertips of Africa and Qrate to package and distribute “dignity packs” to hundreds of girls, which consisted of reusable feminine hygiene products, school supplies, and a small treat.

On 28 May, coinciding with World Menstrual Health Day, the fellows assembled the packs, which would later be distributed to the girls. By providing sustainable sanitary products, they aim to remove a barrier to the girl’s accessing education.

Diller Teen Fellows is a global leadership programme designed for Grade 11s within the Jewish community. In their year on the programme, the fellows embark on a transformative journey, exploring three themes: Jewish identity, leadership, and tikkun olam (healing the world). Engaging in a range of activities such as leadership workshops, Shabbatonim, charity initiatives, and an international conference in Israel, the fellows develop essential skills and form connections with fellow Diller communities worldwide.

The outreach initiative showcased their leadership abilities, including public speaking, research, innovation, and teamwork.

Following the packing session, the teens had the privilege of engaging with author and gender activist Candice Chirwa, who spoke about the significance of educating and empowering girls and women about menstruation. Participants were encouraged to challenge social stigmas associated with menstruation, while further developing their leadership skills. Through their efforts, they realised the power they possess to effect positive change in the world and their community.

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