
Dirmeik writes a valuable guide

If Linda Dirmeik has her way, Attimo will be a regular guest at homes and high schools everywhere.




Attimo is the friendly character who graces the pages of a workbook called “Aim For What You Want” and the guide or facilitator that will help you work through the programme which is intended to help you grow, improve your life and find direction.

Dirmeik, a Capetonian, says her qualification for writing and publishing AIM (Attitude. Image. Motivation), is her experience in life.

“I had to become the breadwinner for my family at 35 and it was by having the correct tools that I became successful. In 1987, I was fortunate enough to be trained in this field with Mannie Edelstein Training Consultants, later with Success Motivation International (SMI) and above all Torah study.

“I decided to write the workbook, as I wanted more people to be able to afford this essential ‘tool’ for life. The guide, was written as I will no longer be the facilitator,” Dirmeik said.

She was introduced to goal setting and motivation at the age of 35 and said she wished she had known about it when she was growing up. At the time she was a coach working in the corporate environment.

“However, one day the principal of Carmel College in Durban asked me to write something for his pupils as they had a ‘shocking attitude’ and that led me to write ‘Aim For What You Want’, suitable for high school pupils. Many mothers have done the course and they can pass what they have learned on to their young children and set an example by putting into practice the knowledge they have gained from the workbook.

“I know that children will become more confident, achieve better results at school, become more self-sufficient, have improved self-esteem and have a positive attitude. It has already been shown by thousands of students and schoolchildren who have been on the Aim programme.

“Everybody has different needs and the workbook is personalised so that every individual – including parents – who wishes to improve and grow, can do so,” Dirmeik said.

She has published the book herself. “I feel very confident that what I have written is good and worthy of self-publication. “Before the book was published I shared it with Rabbi Dr Abraham Twerski, who runs a ‘psychology rehabilitation home’ in Pittsburgh, America, and once I had his approval, I applied for copyright both in South Africa and in the US at his suggestion,” she said.

Dirmeik says the “Aim For What You Want” programme creates a reality (devoid of the thinking that limits our potential) around five key areas of life: our social circle, our family, our physical being, our ethical being and our career/education.

The workbook is divided into 10 modules including Word Power; Finding Strength and Weaknesses; Communication; Setting Goals; Motivation and Relationships. There are pages where you can jot down your thoughts. Some of the questions are quite probing and though there is no right or wrong answer they will require some deep thinking. But it will help you grow and find direction. It’s your personal life coach. The workbook is free of jargon and is written in plain English.

* The cost of both books is R278 with postage. Visit: (which was under construction at the time of going to print) or phone Dirmeik on tel/fax (021) 761-1148 or -mail for more information.

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