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EFF threatens ‘Apartheid Israel’ with BDS




SA political parties have been rolling out their policy manifestos for the 7 May National and Provincial elections. And, hidden deep inside that of Julius Malema’s Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) manifesto, is a damning threat that it would apply BDS sanctions on Israel if it were to come into power.

On page 38 in Section 7 of the manifesto, is a innocuous looking page 38 “Clause 10” which reads: “The EFF Government will implement incremental boycotts, divestment and sanctions against the apartheid state of Israel, as a concrete form of solidarity with the Palestinians, to end the illegal occupation of Palestinian Territories and state by Israel.”

Many pundits missed this revelation when asked about it by SAJR Online today. Communal leaders were aghast when advised of this by Jewish Report and most were so surprised that they were not prepared to comment until they had read it for themselves.

“It’s really scary”

One prominent communal thought-leader, who asked not to be named, said he was shocked at this news: “This is the first time Malema has come out against Israel and it’s really scary. We always thought his saving grace was his silence on that, but we have been proved wrong; and those who belong to the EFF could create the most devastating scenario re Israel and the Jewish community.”

Long-serving Joburg Jewish City Councillor (who has been earmarked by the DA for a seat in Parliament), Darren Bergman, told Jewish Report that “people must read the manifestoes of all the parties before they put their cross on the ballots.” Bergman says SA has to take “a more pragmatic approach to the Middle East situation,”

This was reiterated by SAJBD executive director Wendy Kahn, who told the SAJR Online that she and Board president Zev Krengel had held “a constructive meeting with DA Leader Helen Zille,” in Cape Town on Tuesday. Zille, says Wendy, “reassured our delegation that the DA’s policy on the issue of Israel and Palestine remains firmly in support of a two state solution, the details of which need to be determined through negotiation. We will engage with these political parties on an ongoing basis,” she told Jewish Report.

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  1. Gary Selikow

    February 26, 2014 at 4:21 pm

    ‘These are the exact same policies and rhetoric of the ANC/SACP/COSATU sho why the alamr when it is the EFF?’

  2. Isrsaeli

    February 27, 2014 at 5:53 pm

    I suggest a new B.D.S. movement, a pro-Israel one.

    B.-Bless the state of Israel, and it’s people.

    D. Donate to the state of Israel and its  institutions.

    S. Support the settlements and the settlers.

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