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Kekana’s gift outrage is actually hatred of the Jews

Kwara Kekana on behalf of BDS South Africa, issued a press statement expressing “shock” that the Department of International Relations and Co-operation (Dirco) presented the previous Israeli ambassador (Arthur Lenk), with a gift (when the latter left to return to Israel). Now this is really something to get hot under the collar about – presenting an accredited outgoing diplomat with a gift is normal protocol in these circles.



Allan Wolman, Johannesburg

Kekana may be interested to know that incoming diplomats on presenting their credentials to the President, also present him with a gift of sorts. And knowing our president – he accepts all gifts from all sources including his friends from Saxonwold.

However, blinded by hatred for the Jewish State (read Jews) this person wouldn’t know anything about the niceties of the diplomatic world. In the recent “press statement” she castigates Dirco’s Anil Sooklal, and is “shocked by this blatant insult to the South African people”. One must wonder how many South Africans feel insulted by this gesture?

One must think that the South African people would feel far more “insulted” by our President for what he is doing to our country. Surely our people must feel not only insulted but aggrieved and livid by the actions of the likes of KPMG, McKinney’s and the SAPS, not to mention Bell Pottinger, for the damage done to our country and specifically the poor and jobless population!

Again, this person and her fellow travellers at BDS, so focused on their one-dimensional goal of the destruction of Israel – on their call to “shoot the Jew – Dubula iJuda” – that they seem oblivious to what the real issues are that affect the daily lives of the vast majority of their fellow countrymen.

But in truth, they care less about the state of our country than missing the bus. All their energies and efforts are directed only on damaging Israel. And what a frustrating enterprise it must be to waste the kind of effort and resources on such a futile endeavour, only to see Israel prosper like no other country in only 70 short years.

Kekana has yet to issue any “press statement expressing her shock” at the treatment of the Palestinians being killed in Syria and Yemen, of the apartheid practices facing the Palestinians living in Lebanon.

In truth, it’s not about the Palestinians or the Syrians or even the half a million Muslims being persecuted in Myanmar, or the millions of Kurds living without a state of their own. It is hatred of the Jew that drives Kekana and her organisation.




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