
The untested shura – only on JR Online
LEFT: Ronald and Darren Bobroff – who have fled to Australia
UPDATED 16:40 – Hawks spokesman Major Robert Netshiunda confirmed to Jewish Report Online that 69-year-old Elaine Bobroff, arrested at her home this morning, was released on R50 000 bail by the Johannesburg Specialised Crimes Court this afternoon.
The conditions of Mrs Bobroff’s bail is that she:
- Surrendered all travel documents to the court;
- Appears in court again on Friday July 1; and
- That she reports to a police station weekly.
ANOTHER SHOCKER: Bobroff’s sold practice
UPDATED: 16:25: Hot on the heels of SAJR breaking the news of Elaine Bobroff being charged with fraud this afternoon, Jewish Report has another Scoop. The Bobroff’s have sold their practice to attorneys Taitz and Skikne. Read about how Ronald Bobroff and his son Darren did a runner this weekend and hear him telling CapeTalk this morning from Australia, how his 69-year-old wife was arrested. She is applying for bail.
This morning, Jewish Report Online went to the website of Robert Bobroff and Partners Inc to find their phone number – only to find that nobody was answering the phones.
This logo now appears on the front page of what was was the Bobroffs’ website
Now, if one goes to the website, the user is directed to a message that reads:
The business of RBP (Ronald Bobroff and Partners) Inc has been acquired by attorneys Taitz & Skikne. Please note that all queries can be addressed to the follow: (sic) 011 880 6781 or 011 252 2819 – e-mail: info@taski.co.za.
We apologize (sic) for any inconvenience to clients and please feel to contact the offices should you have any queries.
Clearly, the Bobroffs sold their practice and clients before the weekend.
LATEST: Elaine Bobroff in court for fraud
Posted 15:50 – Hawks spokesman Major Robert Netshiunda confirmed to Jewish Report that 69-year-old Elaine Bobroff, arrested at her home this morning, is this afternoon in court facing charges of fraud. This comes in the wake of Bobroff’s husband, Ronald, and son Darren, skipping the country over the weekend to avoid the implications of their guilty pleas last week for overcharging clients.
RIGHT: Ronald and Elaine Bobroff in happier times
The Bobroffs have been in and out of court against clients, the Law Society (Ronald once chaired the local chapter) and a whopping case with Discovery Health over the past several years.
The Hawks’ Major Robert Netshiunda said there had been no other arrests made. Elaine Bobroff was expected to apply for bail this afternoon.
SEE BOBROFFS DO A RUNNER, AT LEAST ONE WIFE ARRESTED posted this morning and listen to Ronald Bobroff letting off steam on CapeTalk over his wife’s arrest.

Joanie Burger
March 24, 2016 at 9:50 pm
‘According to the latest article in Moneyweb, published today 24 March 2016, the Bobroff firm has been placed under curatorship. Throughout the build up to this event and the Bobroff’s epic flight from justice, both Ronald and Darren have cried; \”vendetta\” and \”conspiracy\”. Both have blamed Discovery Health for all their woes and accused the organisation of owning a host of entities ranging from Carte Blanche to MNet, to the Law Society of the Northern Provinces and even the South African Judiciary. All this would be quite comical if it wasn’t for the scores of motor vehicle accident victims whom RBP has knowingly defrauded. It takes a certain personality type to sleep at night and continue functioning after robbing hapless brain injured and maimed clients’