Letters/Discussion Forums

Long live the Yeshiva complex and schools

In “Ten Days, Ten Ways: Paths to the Divine Presence” edited by then Commonwealth Chief Rabbi Jonathan, Lord Sacks, the following quote by Daniel J Elazar from “People and Polity” is included:



Edna Freinkel, Johannesburg

Communities built around schools 

The history of the Jews has been a history of communities built around schools. They are the key institutions because they convey learning. Greek civilisation survived for 500 years after the Roman conquest of the Greek city-states, because the Greeks, like the Jews, had developed academies and they could live around those academies. When the academies failed, Greek civilisation disappeared. The Jewish people has never allowed its academies to fail.

 It is difficult to assess how much the Glenhazel community has grown and thrived largely because the late Gerald Leissner in partnership with Rabbi Abraham Tanzer and other caring Jews nurtured the growth of the Yeshiva complex and schools, drawing many Jewish families to this ever-expanding suburb for their children to imbibe their excellence.

Long may the community around the Yeshiva complex and schools survive as a living tribute to them both.

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