
May Benita Levin’s column inspire people to make aliyah

Wonderful to have your new column -“Aliyah – the good, the bad and the meshuga” by Benita Levin. (Please remove “the bad”. There cannot possibly be anything bad about aliyah). Having made aliyah 11 years ago at the age of 73, I can fully relate to Benita’s great new experiences in our Holy Land.



Choni Davidowitz, Johannesburg

May I add that once a new oleh arrives in Israel, his/her whole life changes, even if he/she is compelled for any reason not to be able to physically live in the Land.

Even if this new column inspires only one family or person to make aliyah, it will be worthwhile.

While on the subject of aliyah: I came across an imaginary report of the recent meeting between Donald Trump (DT) and Benjamin Netanyahu (BN). The dialogue ended with the following exchange:

BN: Mr President, the Bible states that G-d has declared the Jewish people to be the sole possessors of all the Holy Land from the Jordan to the sea. So, it is our right, privilege and duty to be sovereign over all those lands.

DT: Mr Prime Minister, you don’t have to tell me about the special relationship that exists between the Creator and the Jewish people. However, those rights over the Holy Land will be restored to the Jewish people only when the Messiah will appear. Until then, there is not even an obligation for a Jew to live in the land.

BN: Mr President, who told you such a preposterous idea?

DT: My daughter’s Chabad rabbi. (Ivanka Trump is a member of a Chabad shul).

The Prime Minister leaves the Oval Office to face the waiting Israeli press. What did the President say? they ask in deep concern. He passes through the group as if in a stupor, repeating over and over four almost inaudible words: “His daughter’s Chabad rabbi, His daughter’s Chabad rabbi”.

The above report might be imaginary, but having been connected with Chabad for over 25 years, I can say that their outlook towards aliyah is not at all positive for potential olim, preferring to wait for Mashiach.

I sincerely hope that your new column will win over those who are thinking about a real wonderful change in their lives by moving to G-d’s greatest gift of love to His people – the Land of Israel.

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