Letters/Discussion Forums

New kashrut authority could divide community



There is an unfunny joke that where there are two Jews, there are three shuls.

It was recently reported that three former Beth Din kosher supervisors have started a new kashrut authority.

Until now, South African Jewry was internationally admired for its unity with a single kosher hechsher (certification).

A new kashrut authority could divide families and the community as a result of people not being able to break bread with families and friends who follow a different hechsher, or attend each other’s simchas.

The South African Jewish community is unique in that different groups attend the same functions and mingle like the old friends which they are. It hardly matters if someone is Chabad, Haredi, Modern Orthodox, or secular.

Some time ago, the Beth Din discovered non-kosher chickens in the kitchen of a popular, certified caterer. This gave it a wake-up call, and led to the strengthening of its processes. Unfortunately, there are members of the community who refuse to let go, and are demanding a new hechsher. If there’s no loyalty to our own, how are we going to live in peace and harmony?

The Beth Din has the infrastructure and experience to run a successful operation, and is trusted by international kashrut authorities.

Let’s have the grace to rise above these types of challenges, and be a light unto the nations.

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