
Some real food for thought…

One of the key qualities which drew me to volunteer at Yad Aharon & Michael some 19 years ago, was the aura of holiness, integrity, humility and simplicity which has remained a hallmark of the organisation to this day.




As the largest and leading Jewish weekly food parcels distribution organisation in South Africa, we rely on communal funding to fulfil our focused and niche mandate in a manner which guarantees our families’ anonymity and the preservation of their self-worth.

Our unique and challenging journey and our commitment to going about our business in a characteristically unassuming manner, and in accordance with Torah principles, has earned us the support and respect of the Johannesburg Jewish community over our 22-year existence.

In today’s challenging economic climate, we as South African Jews, need to remain humble and support each other for the benefit of the clients. We are firm believers in networking and cross-referencing with the other worthy community organisations, and we salute their valuable contributions in their particular fields of expertise.

Their referrals to Yad Aharon of families in need of food, further cements our working relationships.

On Rosh Chodesh Elul, we launched our Rosh Hashanah Appeal which is one of the year’s key fundraising campaigns, bearing in mind our focused line of business. In addition to our weekly clients, past recipients and families who “make do” during the year, request our Rosh Hashanah and Sukkot hampers to enable them to provide their families with a “sweet and plentiful Yomtov”.

This brings the estimated number of food parcels we will be distributing over the forthcoming High Holy Days to an unprecedented 600, and our families are counting down the days with eager anticipation.

We are renowned for being transparent, and we invite you to our bayit to witness first-hand the manner in which your donations are being utilised to make a tangible and meaningful difference to the lives of Jewish families in our midst.

At Yad Aharon, we are committed to following in Hashem’s ways, the paths of chesed, compassion and grace. In the words of His holy prophets: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does G-d require of you – but to act justly, to love chesed and to walk humbly with your G-d.”

With sincere wishes for a Shana Tova uMetukah

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