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Those dastardly bunch of dolphins are all spies!

It was recently reported in a number of newspapers on the capture and detention of an Israeli spy by Hamas. That spy turned out to be a dolphin!



Allan Wolman

And if you were not aware of it before, here’s irrefutable proof that dolphins are now pro- Israel: Mo Denei, best known for his stylish T-shirts, has started a new movement called BDS – not to be confused with another movement of the same name.

Denei’s organisation is distinctly identifiable, firstly by the dolphin in a dark shades emblem on his T-shirt, but also by the fact that it is called Boycott Dolphin Spies (BDS).

Now, are we going to hear calls for “Dubula ifeesh” – Shoot the fish? Certainly there will be calls to disrupt those “pods” of dolphins congregating in our ocean; in fact when those bleeding heart animal lovers hear the delightful sounds of dolphins frolicking, please remember to blow your vuvuzelas as loudly as possible. Also remember to do everything possible to demonise these awful creatures. After all, look who they are spying for!

But not all dolphins are bad; there is a group of dolphins who call themselves “Dolphin Voices for a Just Cause” and they carry the slogan “Not in our name would we spy”. No, these dolphins are totally shamefaced that one of their own could actually spy for those awful Israelis. Shame on them! How they sully our good name!

So next time you see a dolphin, take care, take great care. You never know, it may be spying on you! 


Rosebank, Johannesburg

1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    Sep 3, 2015 at 3:19 pm


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