
Torah Academy boys enthralled by rugby hero’s life story

Author Jeremy Daniel recently had Torah Academy Boy’s High School pupils on the edge of their seat with humorous and heartbreaking stories about the sporting personalities he has featured in his books.




Daniel is the author of the Road to Glory series. His latest book, Siya Kolisi Against All Odds, tells the improbable story of the first black South African to captain a Springbok rugby team.

Kolisi’s story began on the impoverished streets of Zwide, a township outside Port Elizabeth. The boys were fascinated to learn that he was so poor, he had to do his homework under a street light.

Daniel tracks Kolisi’s journey from running wild on the streets of Zwide, where the only language he knew was Xhosa, through some crucial games at prestigious Grey High School, into the Western Province rugby set-up, and his fight to become Springbok captain.

He delves deep into the systems that identify junior talent, the characters that shape the various sports heroes’ journeys, and the glory moments of their careers.

Daniel was brought to the Torah Academy by Jonathan Ball Publishing as part of the Constitutional Court Book Fair.

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