
Torah Academy Grade 1 Siddur Concert a huge success

The Torah Academy Primary School was abuzz with excitement last week as the month of Elul was ushered in. Surrounded by family members, friends and teachers, the grade one boys and girls celebrated their Grand Siddur Concert.




This concert is one of the school’s highlight events. It was especially formulated to combine music, song and dance with the inner meanings, explanations and content of various tefillot-prayers. The songs play such a powerful role in making the daily repetition of the tefillot a profound experience for these boys and girls.

A special segment on Elul and the preparations for Rosh Hashanah was included, adding another dimension to the performance.

Guests were inspired by the children’s enthusiasm and joy. Their shining faces and exuberance truly set the tone for the countdown to Rosh Hashanah 5777. The culmination of the concert, and the highly anticipated moment for each young child, was when they each received their first, specially personalised, siddur.

Teachers Messody Katz, Yaffa Liberow, Chanie Bacher and Gila Ash were thanked for the hours of preparation that went into this production and for their dedication to the grade one unit in general.

The siddur concert has a powerful effect on these precious neshamot, instilling in them a love for Hashem, and a treasured means of reaching out to Him – through tefilla.

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