
WIZO makes Bar/Batmitzvah dreams a reality

At this time of the year, the WIZO (Women’s International Zionist Organisation) Centre in Savyon has an annual Bar/Batmitzvah party for children whose parents cannot afford to organise one for them.




The day is a significant moment in a young boy or girl’s life, and a happy and memorable day for their parents. The children in the group come from the Gush Dan area.

Although the parents of these children do all they can, low-income families can’t always feed, clothe, and educate their children without help from the authorities. Significant milestones like Bar/Batmitzvahs are a dream for them. Some are sure they will not be able to celebrate this important day, and it causes them much anguish.

This year, the Bar/Batmitzvah party began in the Savyon Synagogue Centre, where the children and their families gathered. Parents looked on as their children, most of them dressed in white, received presents – a tallit, kippa, and tefillin for boys; candlesticks and a necklace for girls. When the rabbi took the boys and their fathers to the synagogue for their religious ceremony, the girls remained at the centre to conduct hafrashat challah (separating the challah), and each girl got to take her challah home with her.

It was moving to see the children’s joy, and the tears of pride in their parents’ eyes in sharing in their children’s special day. It reminds us that nothing should be taken for granted, and that even such a low-key celebration can create happy memories to last a lifetime. You can help sponsor these Bar/Batmitzvah programmes by contacting your local WIZO office and buying WIZO gift cards.

While these children got the chance to celebrate their simchas courtesy of WIZO, others haven’t been so fortunate. That’s why WIZO Johannesburg recently held a Charidy fundraising campaign to raise money for therapy for children in WIZO day care centres, who have been traumatised by the rocket attacks from Gaza. These children suffer from a great deal of stress, which manifests in fear of being alone, bed wetting, disturbed sleep patterns, and poor concentration. The money raised has enabled WIZO to appoint 16 therapists to help these children. We would like to thank the community for its generous contribution to this worthy cause.

Every day for WIZO South Africa is Mandela Day, with our ongoing provision of custom-designed, all-terrain wheelchairs from Israel to underprivileged children in South Africa to give them the gift of mobility. WIZO is looking for suitable recipients. Please phone the office for the donation of these brightly coloured chairs.

WIZO wishes the South African Zionist Federation success with its upcoming conference. At the end of the year, it will be WIZO Israel’s 100th birthday, and we invite you to join us for a marvellous conference in January. Remember to save the date – 19 to 23 January 2020.

We wish everyone a good holiday.

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