Letters/Discussion Forums

The SAJBD responds
Shaun Zagnoev, National chairperson, SAJBD
Regarding the country communities, this matter has been dealt with extensively and transparently with all stakeholders. While the core mandate of the regions of the board is to uphold the civil rights of South African Jewry, due to demographic and structural differences, each region provides different services to its constituents. Hence, the decision by the Cape to retain direct responsibility for its country communities is appropriate for its specific requirements. On the other hand, the Small Jewish Communities Association (SJCA) was formed for the purpose of assuming responsibility for the national board’s country communities function. This was deemed by all stakeholders, including representatives of all the relevant country communities, the entire national executive committee of the board, and Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft, to be the most viable and effective long-term solution for these important communities.
In terms of the ongoing untrue comments about country community trusts, as extensively dealt with previously, there is simply no basis for these allegations. This has been comprehensively and conclusively reported on in numerous articles in the SA Jewish Report.
Finally, Mr Wiener is correct that the board has significantly reduced its cost base. This is the appropriate thing to do in response to a challenging economic environment and fundraising constraints. For information purposes, the Gauteng and national constitutions have not yet been altered as alleged, and any changes thereto will need to be approved by a full conference to which all members of the community are invited. As always, the board remains accountable to all of its stakeholders, and is committed to uphold the highest levels of transparency and governance.