
We are so blessed

There is a beautiful offering mentioned in this week’s parsha called The Todah offering. This is an offering of gratitude to Hashem for deliverance from a dangerous situation.



Rabbi Yonatan Landau

Ohr Somayach Savoy

It is significant that the Hebrew word for thanks shares the same root as the word  modeh which means to admit to. Also the Hebrew term for gratitude is hakaros hatov which means recognising the good.

Rabbi Zev Leff Shlita explains that gratitude is all about seeing the good that is there and the opposite is denying the good.

Let’s illustrate the Torah perspective with the following story:

Rabbi Avigdor Miller of blessed memory was a giant of Torah who focused on seeing the love and magnificence of Hashem’s creation. One time he began a lecture with the following request (paraphrased): “Please spread your toes apart!” Sensing the puzzlement of the audience, he explained: “Isn’t it kind of Hashem to give us space between our toes?”

Would we ever have noticed that? Do we think this way?

Another time, a family member of Rav Miller crept into his study and hid away. Rav Miller came in and took an apple in hand. Before reciting the blessing he began: “Hashem, thank you for making the apple so sweet, thank you for the beautiful colour etc.” He went at length before reciting the blessing.

I ask: Could Hashem not have made pills for us to eat? Or protein drinks?

But no, He made many foods, nice looking, sweet tasting, and delicious, luscious, gourmet foods for us!

I ask: Could Hashem not have made a dark gloomy sky all day long?

But no, He gave us breathtaking blue skies, majestic clouds, spectacular sunsets!

Hakaros hatov is seeing, admitting and realising that we are so blessed.

Hashem should bless us to recognise all the good that He gives us, to appreciate our abilities, surroundings, loved ones, homes and above all, The One Who gave it to us to use to serve Him, Hashem.




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