
What’s on in SA Jewish Community

As always, there is lots going on for the Jewish communities around the country. Contact local leadership for additional activities





Friday (July 8)


* UZLC hosts David Batzofin on “Local is Lekker”. Venue: Our Parents Home. Time: 12:45 – 14:00. Contact: Gloria 072-127-9421 or (011) 485-4851.


Sunday (July 10)


* “Yiddish Nostalgia in Song” presented by Russel Lurie (soloist) and Evelyn Green (accompanist), narrated by Helen Heldenmuth and Tamar Olswang. Venue: 34 Fifth Street, Orange Grove. Time: 15:00. Refreshments will be served. Donation to Yad Aharon. Bookings: Russel Lurie 082-331-3019 or Evelyn Green (011) 728-5570, or 082-704-2322.


* Big Band Music Appreciation Society meets at St John’s College auditorium in Houghton. This programme is compiled by Don Albert. A short DVD of big bands A BBC presentation) will be presented followed by an audiovisual presentation – on rare swing and big band music. Time: 14:15 sharp. Enquiries: Marilyn at 072-243-7436 or Jack at 082-450-762.


* JJAC invites Jewish singles aged 27 – 49 to come and watch the Wimbledon Men’s tennis final at Metzuyan. E-mail details.


* Second Innings hosts Dr David Fig on “Will President Zuma Succeed in Going Ahead with Nuclear Procurement?” Venue: The Gerald Horwitz Lounge, Golden Acres. Time: 10:00 for 10:30. Cost: R20 members, R40 visitors (incl tea and light refreshments). Information: Tel (011) 532-9701.


Monday (July 11)


* JH&GC in association with the Professional Journalists’ Association of SA hosts a screening of the documentary “Telling Truths in Arusha”. Venue: JH&GC, 1 Duncombe Rd, Forest Town. Time: 19:30. Seating limited. No charge but donations welcome. Booking: or (011) 640-3100/2148.


Tuesday (July 12)



* UJW Memory Stimulation Group, run by an occupational therapist, meets every Tuesday morning during July. Time: 09:30. Donation: R50 per person. Information: Cindy, UJW Office (011) 648-1053.


* JH&GC hosts a presentation by Jeff and Dunreith Kelly Lowenstein on “The Kindertransport: A Family’s History and Journey of Return”. Venue: JH&GC, 1 Duncombe Rd, Forest Town. Time: 15:30 – 17:00. Seating limited. No charge but donations welcome. Booking: or (011) 640-3100/2148. 


Thursday (July 14)


* Afrika Tikkun hosts Mark Barnes CEO of the Post Office, “The Outspoken Maverick”, discussing his insights on the SA economy at a corporate breakfast. Venue: Wanderers Club, Illovo. Time: 07:00 – 09:00. Cost: R500 pp (excl VAT) or R4 500 per table of 10 (excl VAT). Contact: Margaret Mouton tel (011) 675-7533, cell 060-579-5194 or e-mail


* Cape Town Holocaust Centre hosts an exhibition, “Anne Frank: A History for Today”. Please note that the opening has been postponed (from July 1) to today. The exhibition will run until July 21. Opening times: 07:30 – 18:00 daily. Venue: Nelson Mandela Gateway, V&A Waterfront. RSVP: Dianne at the Cape Town Holocaust Centre by Monday July 11, (021) 462-5553 or


Sunday (July 17)


* Second Innings hosts journalist Phylicia Oppelt on “The Political Space Before the Local Government Elections”. Venue: The Gerald Horwitz Lounge, Golden Acres. Time: 10:00 for 10:30. Cost: R20 members, R40 visitors (incl tea and light refreshments). Information: Tel (011) 532-9701.


Tuesday (July 19)


* JWBS hosts a movie, “Broadway Musical – A Jewish Legacy” with talented composers such as Leonard Bernstein, Roger & Hammerstein and George Gershwin. Venue: Gerald Horwitz Lounge, Golden Acres, Sandringham Gardens. Time: 09:30 for 10:00 Cost: R80 (incl tea and refreshments). Contact: (011) 485-5232 or

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