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Woolies adds country the UN decided not to




This fact, along with picture and all, was smugly posted by BDS-SA on the SA Jewish Report’s Facebook page on Monday.

Woolies datesWoolworths is obviously  at pains to be politically correct in all this… so, that makes it two products from the Democratic UN-member-state of Israel, and, as of one o’clock SA time this morning (SEE STORY), one from the non-UN country – Palestine.

The late-night session of the UN Security Council did not endorse Palestinian member country status.

After ChaiFM’s Kathy Kaler couldn’t get clarity from Woolies, the radio station’s Steve Marks tweeted @Woolies something to the effect of:

“Will you be endorsing Narnia now too?”

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  1. david

    December 31, 2014 at 10:26 pm

    ‘Did they really have much of a choice ? ? ?

    I am however disappointed that they put their House Brand name on it .

    It does however bring back a glimmer of ‘our people’ calling it Palestine during the second world war, and setting it as the country of ‘home’.’

  2. nat cheiman

    January 1, 2015 at 10:32 am

    ‘I see no problem with this (dates from Palestine). Its only that moron Desai and his half wits who are trying to con and make a business out of Business Destroying Souls (BDS). These idiots would not be able to even define where Palestine is or should be. Their hate for Israel is paramount.The problem is too, that there are many \”not clever\”people who think that Desai is correct. However, perhaps one of these days I might meet the idiot in Woolies and give him a hands on experience with exactly what one should look for when purchasing good organic tomatoes.’

  3. Mordechai

    January 2, 2015 at 1:16 am

    ‘Nat, I respectfully disagree with you because there is currently no country called Palestine. It would be interesting to know where the goods actually come from, because there is no country with the name Palestine. Is Woolworths labelling goods from Judea and Somaria  as coming from Palestine, or are they labelling goods from Gaza or Ramalah as coming from Palestine. What ever your political views are it is impossible for the goods to come from Palestine because Palestine is simply not a country, so Mr Woolworths please tell us where the products originate from’

  4. nat cheiman

    January 2, 2015 at 10:27 am

    ‘Mordechai, you quite correct. I did not mean to say that there is a place called Palestine. What I attempted to say is that even if the dates are are marked \”Mars \”or \”Venus\”, it is not an issue for me. But you are 100% correct. There is no place called Palestine. My apologies. ‘

  5. david

    January 2, 2015 at 11:44 pm

    ‘Absolutely agree with Mordechai —  Woollies needs to be made aware that they are making a false declaration on ‘ Country of supply’ ‘

  6. Mordechai

    January 4, 2015 at 3:39 am

    ‘Hi Nat, No apology needed as I understand your point and know where you are coming from, however I firmly believe an apology is needed from S Africa’s Jewish leadership who support and respect Tutu, meet with Abbas, apologise for students who support show solidarity with the Palestinians when Jewish soldiers and civilians are being murdered, and I could go on’

  7. Debbie Mankowitz

    January 5, 2015 at 3:52 pm

    ‘According to Government Notice 380 of 2013, retailers/importers etc… need to label goods from Israel as follows:

    \”East Jerusalem: Such goods labeled made in country X from material imported from East Jerusalem Israeli Goods.\” The same for Gaza and the West Bank.

    Woolworths is actually infringing against the law in SA which constitutes an offence with their \”Palestine\” label

  8. Mordechai

    January 7, 2015 at 12:26 am

    ‘Thank you Debbie for pointing this out’

  9. david

    January 9, 2015 at 11:43 pm

    ‘I have dug up some information that seems to unfortunately contradict Debbie’s statement in some ways but creates ambiguity via  it’s possible official standing

    — quote

     ( on 17 December 2012, UN Chief of Protocol Yeocheol Yoon decided that \”the designation of \”State of Palestine\” shall be used by the Secretariat in all official United Nations documents\”,[34] recognising the \”State of Palestine\” as the official name of the Palestinian nation.)

    ( Of the 193 member states of the United Nations, 135 (69.9%) have recognised the State of Palestine as of 30 October 2014. Their total population is over 5.5 billion people, equaling 80 percent of the world’s population.[86] The list below is based on the list maintained by the Palestine Liberation Organization during the campaign for United Nations recognition in 2011.[24]

    It seems that as much as we are very unhappy and disagree, the UN has done it’s own thing and recognised Palestine with 135 countries , including South Africa, without overall Security Council agreement , as this would have ilicited a veto from the USA.

    This seems to be one of the battles we have possibly lost , but the war is ongoing.


  10. nat cheiman

    January 18, 2015 at 11:45 am

    ‘Mordechai, apropos Tutu and Abbas, you are correct. Why meet with clowns? many Arab states do not support Abbas and Tutu I think doesn’t even have any followers anymore. Tutu especially, is the head clown. [Removed as unsubstantiated 
    \nallegation – please feel free to contact us if you have evidence of this  -ED]
    who thinks that the Palestinians in 1967 (six day war) were dispossessed of their land The man is not clever and in my opinion is an impostor. Not for one minute do I believe that [Same Again. Removed as unsubstantiated allegation – please feel free to contact us if you have evidence of this  -ED] and if he is , then perhaps it may have been a favour or even affirmative action. But yes!!!!!!! they are LOONS.


    \nNat, Please check out our COMMENT GUIDELINES which
    \nyou will find under our LEGALS section. Please feel free 
    \nto write directly: for clarification



  11. Debbie Mankowitz

    January 21, 2015 at 8:29 pm

    ‘David, the UNGA vote for Palestine is not a binding vote in International law, hence Mahmoud Abbas needed the UN security council vote to effectively (albeit unilaterally) create the entity called Palestine. Beyond that Woolworths is till breaking SA law by calling goods made in Israel as \”made in Palestine.\” I am not talking politics here. This is trade law which instructs importers of Israeli goods how to label these products. The issue of a country called Palestine with no borders etc.. has no basis in International law whatsoever and for that matter could be called Lala land as well.In the meantime these are Israeli goods that are being misrepresented unless the dates come from Gaza, and in that case need to be stated as such. In the meantime Woolworths is misleading the South African consumer. ‘

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