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Israel critic got his comeuppance




Opinion & Comment

Crawford-Browne is a retired banker who seemingly can’t lead any sort of life without hearing his own voice – loudly, on national platforms and issues. After years of pursuing the government over the Arms Deal (to no avail) he joined the Palestine Support Committee and has been instrumental in writing and selling the most awful and untrue parables about the Middle East.

A recent rant on the entitled “Israel IS an Apartheid state” pretty much sums up just how Crawford Browne feels about Israel and Jewry in general.

This past Tuesday, 17 March, Crawford-Browne ended up with egg on his face (once again) after his long and boring piece, “End of ‘error’ may be about to dawn,” appeared in the CAPE TIMES.

“Will today’s election signal the end of the ‘Jewish’ State of Israel?” asked Crawford-Browne. “Opinions polls indicate that the outcome is neck-and-neck. Given Israel’s fractious electoral system of proportional representation, it may be weeks before a new government coalition can be negotiated.”

Crawford-Browne continued that: “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent address to a joint sitting of the US Congress and his challenges to President Barack Obama over Iran have patently backfired. The vast majority of American Jews have been grievously offended, and insist that they are Americans and not Israelis. For them, Judaism is a religion not a nationality or race.”

Displaying, as he is wont, his lack of understanding of facts (or, maybe, malicious dissemination of what he knows to be untruths), Crawford-Browne proceeded to blame Israel for everything that’s wrong in the world.

The US’s  “disastrous consequences of (their) entanglements in the Middle East vigorously promoted by the Israeli lobby with the lies back in 2003” and of “Netanyahu’s equally discredited lies about Iranian nuclear weapons.”

He rants on, blaming Lord Balfour and his declaration almost a century ago, for purportedly giving “legitimacy to a Jewish homeland in Palestine.”

David Hersch wasn’t having any of it

In a letter addressed to the editor of the Cape Times and several thousand local and overseas recipients of his mailers, Hersch proclaims: “The finest response to Terry Crawford-Browne’s chicanery and bigotry was provided by the Israeli electorate. Crawford-Browne is an imaginative advocate of unconvincing Palestinian/Arab propaganda, a bundle of prejudices, intuitions, ignorance, half-sciences and distorted history.

Hersch - David HOME

LEFT: David Hersch

“He takes an aspect of truth, detaches it from its circumstances, inflates it, twists and remodels it, until its old likeness and its new likeness together are unrecognisable.

These pseudo ‘insights’ are his triumph,” wrote David Hersch. “He is a caricaturist. Never trust him.”

Needless to say the Cape Times didn’t print Hersch’s letter.

They had no problem printing Crawford-Browne’s rant, as always, which continued to remind us how “politicians misuse and pervert religion and theology away from the emphasis on Peace!”

Crawford-Browne then conveniently quotes an unnamed American ambassador as having said: “Israel has become the promised land for organised crime,” and goes on to give us a history lesson distorted to suit his needs. The Ashkenazi community, he claims, “numbers only about 10 percent of the population between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, and about 20 percent within ‘Israel proper’,” he says. Go figure?

Again, Herch has C-Browne squarely in his sights: “It has been proven painstakingly over and over again that Crawford-Browne’s writings and opinions are distinguished by factual errors, a pervasive use of double standards in argumentation, a rich array of logical fallacies, and above all the distortions, malignant insinuations, and outright falsehoods, both about the historical conduct of Israel and about the historical conduct of Jews, at its heart.”

Crawford-Browne, says Hersch, is an “obsessive compulsive when it comes to Israel.”

A case in point…

Crawford-Browne wrote of the rife discrimination “against Arab Jews (the Mizrahim) brought under false pretences to Israel in the 1940s to 60s as cannon fodder for the Israeli army and cheap labour on farms confiscated from Palestinians.”

Brought under false pretences? I think not, Mr C-B. Hundreds of thousands of Jews living in Arab states at this time were evicted, sir, and dispatched to Israel where they were happily absorbed as equals. Many of those same States who evicted their Jews, invited Muslims in Israel to move to their countries. Many stayed in Israel – others moved of their own free will to neighbouring Arab countries.

They were not absorbed. They were placed in refugee camps and, several generations later, still live without citizenship or rights and in refugee camps.

Atrocities not dissimilar to those of the Nazis

Crawford-Browne goes on to talk about the glaring tragedy of Israelis being brainwashed from childhood to believe that they are uniquely victims, and of having “become the perpetrators of human rights atrocities not dissimilar to what happened in Europe 70 years ago.”

Retort’s David Hersch, who is chair of The South African Israel Public Affairs Committee: “Crawford-Browne should be shunned by intellectual and academic circles and anyone with the meanest intelligence following his foray once more into the land of chicanery and bigotry. But far from being shunned, Crawford-Browne has become the Cape Times’ anti-Israel superstar.”

Hersch also laments that: “It is disgraceful that a once great newspaper with a wonderful and brave history has fallen so rapidly since being taken over. Good and balanced journalism would have juxtaposed a pro-Israel article by a real expert who knew what he was talking about on the same page.”

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  1. nat cheiman

    Mar 20, 2015 at 2:48 pm

    ‘I do not buy any INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER GROUP papers anymore for the very reason that MR SURVE is an Islamic radical/ supporter and encourages imbeciles like Crawford browne.
    \nCrawford Browne talks about Israelis being brainwashed from childhood. What he needs desperately is to get a brain because up until now he has been using his tochas . But that’s why muslims and jew haters love him. He is as thick as they are.
    \nHe won’t go back to the UK because their are too many problematic radicals there. Basically C-B should put his head up his b** because the fresh air in Cape Town seems to be affecting him. T***’

  2. Amanda

    Mar 20, 2015 at 11:12 pm

    ‘Mr Crawford-Browne you are a doome profit.. It is not the end of Mr Netanyahu.  He is a true leader. Sorry for you

    David Hersch is a man of integrity, but you not at all. You believe in a lie. 

    Israel is not an apartheid state, note at all. 

  3. Amanda

    Mar 20, 2015 at 11:14 pm

    ‘Mr Crawford-Browne you are a doome profit.. It is not the end of Mr Netanyahu.  He is a true leader. Sorry for you

    David Hersch is a man of integrity, but you not at all. You believe in a lie. 

    Israel is not an apartheid state, note at all. 

  4. Abu Mamzer

    Mar 22, 2015 at 4:38 am

    ‘JEWS of SouthAfrica …Vote with your pockets!

    1)It is time to boycott all Sekunjalo-Independent Newspapers who are always so quick to publish anti Israeli,Anti- semitic articles without a right of redress.

    The Cape Tmes,

    The Star

    The Saturday Star

    The Independent(sic!) on  Sunday

    or will that also be misconstrued as destroying press freedom?

    2)Let’s boycott all advertisers in those newspapers’

  5. J.E.Feitelberg

    Mar 22, 2015 at 7:20 am

    ‘David Hersch should have an award from the Israeli Government or his fight ( all too often a lone voice) against the rising tide of anti semitism which is growing

    in this country.’

  6. Les Levine

    Mar 22, 2015 at 7:57 am

    ‘What is there to say in a biased country like South Africa.

    Follow the word od Menachim Begin who say ,someome threatens you take it seriously,because he means it.

    This Crawford Brown

    is hell bent on creating racial hatred,which is against our \”Constitution\” .If he keeps on telling lies all the time ,it will start sounding like the truth to the Ignorant’

  7. abu mamzer

    Mar 22, 2015 at 10:00 am

    ‘As my Bobba from Bolnik used to say:

    If he’s got a double barrelled name,

    take out the double barrelled shotgun.’

  8. nat cheiman

    Mar 22, 2015 at 2:19 pm

    ‘Crawford -Browne is disliked (hated) by government because he has tried to expose their thieving during the arms procurement . He failed. He is a failure.
    \nAlso, Mr. Lekbal Surve, is up Zuma’s r***** and only publishes anti Israel stuff and news that is expedient.
    \nHe is a muslim. My firm view is also that he is not partial to jews.(obviously)

  9. KAPLAN B.

    Mar 22, 2015 at 4:14 pm

    ‘cape times   you were once a newspaper !!

    today i would not roll a zol with you

    to publish crawford  !!!!


  10. Jen

    Mar 23, 2015 at 8:00 am

    ‘David Hersch is a highly knowledgeable expert in the history and current affairs of Israel and the Middle East. It’s a great pity that his views are not more widely spread.’

  11. Gary Selikow

    Mar 24, 2015 at 10:17 am

    ‘Why did you change the way you labelled Crawford-Brown in the headline from ‘Anti=Semite (which he is) to the more parev ‘Israel critic”

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