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Geoff, what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander



Monessa Shapiro

So, while there may be some validity in Geoff Sifrin’s Taking Issue column last week, “Expensive ads against Hamas a bad idea”, the question is whether there is an alternative to the ad.

Scores of letters and op-eds have in the past three weeks been sent to the media; of these a mere handful have been published and these are usually accompanied by a visual that is so anti that the message contained in the letter becomes totally insignificant. So what is Sifrin’s “better way?”

Sifrin is worried as to how the advert will be perceived and exploited. “A crude attempt by the ‘Zionist lobby’ using Jewish money.”

Would it were true that it was our actions that caused others to hate us and view us with hostility! But no matter what we do or say, there are those who will always seek our demise. Sadly they need no pretext.

Sifrin says that Israel’s detractors could challenge the veracity of the advert in court and goes on to say that some of the points made are “on target”.

Clearly, if he believes that there are points that could be challenged in court and that only some are on target, then we must accept that it is he too, who questions the veracity of the other points. 

Perhaps he, like the citizens of South Africa (the target of this advert) would do well to study and learn more about Hamas and their danger vis-à-vis Israel, Jews and the world at large.

Glenhazel, Johannesburg



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  1. nat cheiman

    Nov 11, 2015 at 12:16 pm

    ‘Hamas adds no value to the SA government nor ANC, let alone to the country. 
    \nNat, the rest is some old same old – try making your often very good points without being racist or insulting -Moderator

  2. nat cheiman

    Nov 14, 2015 at 7:44 am

    ‘I do try so hard, but unfortunately, events all over the world including SA just seem to get in the way.

    Having forecast many times, in these columns reserved for comments, that Europe is on the verge of an upheaval because of the change in its Christian character, and the migrant crisis, I disagree with your assertion that its \”same old\”.  The fact that liberalism tends to cloud the reality of factual situations is certainly not my fault. In fact I am to be credited with such foresight, whether or not I am insulting or racist.

    It is a fact that people ( innocent) die every day from terror related killings that are NOT carried out by Christians or Jews. The families of the  victims of the Paris killings,would also in all probability, disagree with you.’

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