Jaffa residents reading programme
Jaffa residents participate in school reading programme
Photo Mark Isaacs
Residents from Jaffa Old Aged Home in Pretoria who on a Friday listen to children at Sunnyside Primary School read.
Back left to right:Sylvia Berman ,Anne Eichorn and Myra Berkow.
Front row: Fay Zlotnick , Zelda Bernstein and Maureen Murinick.
Jaffa Old Age Home in Pretoria has joined hands with Sunnyside Primary School, a school in a disadvantaged area in the city. Six residents go for an hour every Friday to the school and assist schoolchildren with their English reading.
The children aged six, seven and eight years, have the opportunity to have someone give them undivided attention and listen to them reading. Some of the children do not have anyone at home who is able to listen to them read; some come from shelters and some are bussed in from townships.
Anne Eichorn; Zelda Bernstein; Maureen Murinik; Faye Zlotnick; Sylvia Berman; and Myra Berkow, feel that they are giving back to the broader community by participating in the programme and making a worthwhile contribution to society.
* For more information, contact Mark Isaacs (director) or Jill Shaskolsky (social worker) on (012) 346-2006.