‘Kosher flash mob’ goes viral
“We thought it would be a cute thing to do,” said Great Park Shul’s Rabbi Dovid Hazdan. “We didn’t think it would turn viral.” He was speaking of a “kosher flash mob” organised by the shul, flighted online last Saturday night.
Supported by Pick n Pay Norwood, the seemingly-impromptu event featured the Rabbi, his choir and three violinists performing Vehi She’amda to the unsuspecting public. It moved some to tears and got cashiers swaying to the melody.
By Tuesday, the YouTube video had had over 9 000 hits, and comments ranging from expat homesickness, to incredulity this could happen these days, without anti-Semitic factions muscling in. “In my training, whenever something works in the world, it should be used to relay the Jewish message.
“The idea’s been percolating in my mind for a while. Promoting the kosher le Pesach range made sense; I made enquiries through the hierarchy of Pick n Pay. Tens of thousands of dollars were spent by the supermarket chain in co-ordinating sound and filming, editing and staging detail. There were cameras everywhere. We kept it secret from everyone, to maintain the surprise.”

April 2, 2014 at 2:48 pm
‘I was there. Moved me to tears and stirred me to invite someone to my Seder who wasn’t going to have one. Thanks for spreading Jewish pride!’