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Letters/Discussion Forums

Progressives don’t discriminate against gays



Diane Fine

The Progressive movement in South Africa welcomes gay marriages and asserts that a person’s sexual preference does not define their moral, ethical and spiritual Jewish identity.

The South African Constitution makes gay marriage legal and it is sad when there is a perception that Jewish ideology is less than and out of step with the Constitution.

We believe in individuals’ human rights and their right and responsibility to make personal choices. This includes the right to choose to live out one’s sexual preference in mature, committed, adult relationships with the legal sanction of both civil and religious society.

The law prohibits discrimination because of sexual preference, and as a religious group, we will not be counted among those who discriminate against gay marriage. It is shameful that some within our society feel it is their right to contravene the South African Constitution and discriminate against others because of sexual preference.

In many years working as a marriage counsellor, I have seen some within the fold of Orthodox Jewry who abuse their children, have extramarital affairs, abandon their spouses and behave in ways considered immoral and unethical by halachah.

Not even these Jews are excluded from the Orthodox community despite contravening Jewish law and inflicting harm on others. Surely it is time for all to acknowledge and accept the law of the country and the human rights of individuals instead of perpetuating the discrimination and prejudice of the ancestors.


Congregant of Beit Emanuel

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