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Villains and victors – this story is a miracle

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It might not be the same as the story of Purim, but it’s worth celebrating.

South Africa and her Jewish community have once again defied the odds and been freed not only from a further five years of a corrupt, Israel-hating, and inept African National Congress (ANC), but from entering a “doomsday” coalition that would likely signal the death of the country as a democracy.

The events leading up to the past few weeks were nothing short of miraculous, and worth recognising as such. In which case it would be quite rude to not acknowledge not only the human players, but also G-d Himself, who seems to spend a significant amount of His valuable time keeping an eye on this neck of the woods. Because, clearly, we can’t be left alone for a minute without breaking something.

If the story of the May 2024 elections were to be codified, like the story of Queen Esther was, it would have an interesting cast of characters. It would be a story of apparent coincidence, violence, and political intrigue. There would be cliffhanger moments as the country held its collective breath, and moments of laugh-out-loud comedy thanks to dedicated court jesters like Carl Niehaus in his red hard hat, Palestinian scarf, and comical countenance.

Naledi Pandor would naturally play the villain. She would be exposed making covert phone calls to Hamas, hob knobbing with her Iranian human rights-abuser friends, all while accusing Israel alone before the International Court of Justice. Videos would surface of her inciting South Africans to march against international diplomats, all in the name of “justice”.

Drunk on the Pandor un-cool aid, her party would build its election campaign on its hatred for Israel. And on the assumption that corruption, the economy, safety, electricity, and water didn’t matter to “fellow South Africans”, when in fact it was all that mattered.

Like Haman in the story of Esther, she too would fail, and she would drag her gullible party with her to the gallows of her own construction.

And then, it would be wrapped up in a magnificent bow of irony, when Democratic Alliance former leader and current Zionist, Tony Leon, would be sent to negotiate the terms of the government of national unity with the ANC.

It’s well known that many Jewish holidays contain repetitive themes: “They tried to kill us. They didn’t succeed. Let’s eat.”

This story isn’t exclusively a Jewish one. Where Jews might have been the focus, it’s a story of all of South Africa. Of what nearly was. Of what was saved at the very last moment. And how, although far from over, there’s the potential to turn it into everything that it should be. A country that celebrates genuine equality, opportunity, and respect. One of integrity and kindness.

Call it incredible coincidence, karma, or luck, but I believe South Africans have witnessed a miracle. I believe we have been guided back from the brink, and that G-d Himself devoted a serious amount of time to ensure that we have reason to cheer.

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1 Comment

  1. Jenny Sidney

    June 20, 2024 at 12:32 pm

    Great and very insightful, clever comparison! Well done!

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