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WIZO focuses on resilience, rebuilding for women

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International Women’s Day, a global day celebrated annually on Friday, 8 March, focuses on issues such as gender equality, violence, and abuse against women. The theme this year, “Inspire Inclusion”, ensures that we appreciate and respect women and their beliefs. The tagline’s powerful slogan, “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”, promotes the belief of the Women’s International Zionist Organisation (WIZO) in collective action, investment in women, and engaging in meaningful conversations to create better solutions.

These themes epitomise WIZO’s ethos. Being the largest Women’s International Zionist Organisation in the world, we work tirelessly to advance the rights and well-being of women. WIZO doesn’t just invest in women, we also focus on men, youth, and babies.

The current war has brought WIZO to the forefront once again as we continue to be one of the largest role players in rehabilitating Israel. The situation has taken an unbearable toll physically and mentally on the people of Israel. This is especially apparent for women who deal with caring for children and their homes while their spouses are away at war.

Emotional-resilience programmes have been installed across WIZO’s educational institutions as a coping mechanism during these agonising times. These programmes aim to strengthen personal resilience and help individuals acquire the psychological survival skills to create deep connections with others. The after effects of this could continue into the future if they aren’t dealt with. Trauma counselling is a large part of WIZO’s mantra to attempt to restore and repair the health of those who need it most.

Another emergency campaign, “Back to Sderot”, involves creating a semblance of normality in the south of Israel, allowing families to return to their homes and their lives. This wonderful opportunity requires the provision of financial, professional, and psychological support to the 50 educators and caregivers, mostly women, in WIZO’s three day-care-centres, because without them, we’re unable to reopen efficiently. They, too, need to be given guidance to help them cope with stress, anxiety, and trauma – their own and that of their children and families. International Women’s Day focuses on all these women, giving them the appreciation, attention, and care that they deserve as they are a huge part of the healing and rebuilding process. This will have a positive impact on the lives of other families who wish to return to Sderot and will serve as a beacon of hope, demonstrating Jewish solidarity and resilience in times of tragedy. All of us can only imagine the joy, laughter, and safety of those returning to Sderot!

Every positive WIZO action contributes to a more positive future for Israel and her people. Therefore, this International Women’s Day, the themes of “Invest in Women” and “Accelerate Progress” are so applicable.

Be a part of WIZO, and take the time to continue breaking barriers by appreciating the women in your life, and by celebrating the beauty, grace, and strength of all women.

Shelley Trope-Friedman – President of WIZO South Africa

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1 Comment

  1. Felicity Isserow

    March 7, 2024 at 4:07 pm

    Excellent article thank you for the beautiful words about our beloved WIZO! FELICITY ISSEROW ❤️

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