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Most communal leaders wary of Iran nuke deal




Pictured:  Justice Dennis Davis.


Mr Justice Dennis Davis describes the deal as “splendid. Look at the alternative. Otherwise Iran will go ahead in an uncontrollable way. This way we have a chance of holding Iran accountable. It is best to build in some safeguard – either you seek to bomb (Iran) or you carry on with sanctions.”

Davis says that by drawing Iran into the 21st century, there is more hope of bringing about social change.

“I think it would be of interest to have a poll canvassing opinions as to whether it was a good idea to have gone into Iraq (too).

“The people of Israel are concerned and, rightly so, but the real question is either pre-emptive bombing of Iran or to increase the safeguard.”

He thinks the nuclear deal will bring about a reconsideration of (US President Barack) Obama’s presidency -“the deal will gain him a monumental place in history.

“I think there is a lot of racism in criticism of Obama – if he had been a white man, I don’t think this would have happened.”

Davis is concerned about the people of Israel, but he considers (Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu’s government the most rightwing ever – “beating the war drum like PW Botha when he was president of South Africa”.


Jonathan Silke, honorary life president of the South African Zionist Federation, says the nuclear deal between Iran and the Western powers will prove to be a historic error rather than a historic achievement “as it failed to build into its provisions the strongest disapproval of Iran’s calls for the destruction of Israel, its encouragement of anti-Semitism within Iran and its continued funding of terrorist organisations such as Hamas and Hezbollah who threaten the lives of innocent Israelis and Arabs.

“On the contrary, the deal legitimises that regime and bolsters it financially and Israel has every right to defend itself and prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.”


Dr Harold Serebro, renowned Holocaust author, who has carried out a great deal of research for his newly-launched book “The Canopy – Warriors for Justice, Facing the Ticking Time Bomb”, feels the Iranian deal is “very bad for Israel. It is going to cause all the Arab countries in the Middle East to want to become nuclear powers and purchase weapons.”

The Saudis, who are Sunni Muslims, are particularly vulnerable. “Iran is clearly the new regional power of the Middle East. Because it is allowed to continue its nuclear research, none of the centrifuges are removed which are required to manufacture and enrich uranium.”

In addition, although inspections of the nuclear facilities are allowed after a request is received from the International Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC), 14 to 24 days can elapse before the Iranians allow inspectors to enter the facilities. “During that time, they can hide anything.”

When the severe sanctions are removed, immediately, hundreds of millions of dollars in cash will be released, “and the Iranians have said they will continue to support their allies – Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas and Fatah”.

Serebro is of the opinion there is a long-term danger from Iran and the satellite countries and organisations it supports. “I think that in these prolonged negotiations, the Iranians have outsmarted the Americans and that members of the US Congress and Senate clearly will oppose this deal. It is not a good deal and, in the long term, may cause turmoil in the Middle East for Western civilisation.”


Li Boiskin, Cape Town communal leader, speaking in her personal capacity, says the deal struck with Iran shows that the UN Security Council’s “world view” is a farce.

“It awarded $150 billion to fund terror groups and agreed to the lifting of sanctions against Iran without Iran having to guarantee compliance with its obligations.”

“Has the world not learned from the North Korea deal?” Boiskin asks. “I watched in horror and with a deepening sense of doom as the TV portrayed hundreds of thousands of Iranians supporting the Ayatollah in a frenzied call for death to America and death to Israel – and this, the day after the deal was accepted.”

This was a clear indication that the Iranian leadership has not in any way changed its “hate-filled murderous ideology, nor hidden its intentions”.

Israel, America, the Middle East and the world powers need to be strategically vigilant and alert – “very alert”, Boiskin warns.  


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