
Quick Fox helps Chev buy bus
Original Article by CAROL ROD; Event Pics by: KIMBERLEY FRANKLIN
50 Team Chev runners arrived in Cape Town with great excitement to run the Cape Peninsula Marathon despite warnings of a heat wave (38°c and winds of 40 to 50km/hr) with one goal in mind – to raise money to buy the Sandringham Gardens residents a much-needed new bus.
The Shabbat Dinner at Avrons was attended by 60 of the group which included spouses and family-members.
It turned out to be an outstanding team builder Shabbos with discussions on hydration, special tips for running and a Shiur by Rabbi Fox relating the Parsha to the run and each individual’s commitment to the Chevrah Kadisha.
Baruch Hashem, all of the Team Chev runners completed their race.
Rabbi Fox saw the top-performer among the half-marathon Team Chev runners –finishing in an unbelievable time of 93 minutes.
Team Chev were thrilled to have been part of this fundraiser and the feedback comments were moving, including:
- “It was a privilege to be part of such an awesome event. Thanks to everyone for all the effort. It has been a special weekend!” –Charlene Mayers
- “Thanks Carol, Tanya, Kim. We had a great weekend. Awesome Shabbas dinner and great run today. Great organisation. Thx.” –Lawrence and Cherie Diamond
- “Well done & thank you for a special Shabbos & weekend! Shkeach to all at the Chev!” -Steven Isaacson
- “Thank you to the organisers it was indeed an honour to be part of this event.” –Kevin Utian
- “Thanks to all for arranging everything and for a lovely Shabbos dinner!” –Lindy Novick
- “Thanks to the organisers, you guys did a great job and it wouldn’t have been the same without you. Massive shkeach to all who ran their first marathon today and to the entire Team Chev” -Saul Lazarus, youngest runner of Team Chev
Chev CEO Michael Seiff (pictured left) issued a special thanks to each runner, their supporters and families as well as the organisers for a most special and memorable weekend where, says the Chev’s CEO, the effort put into the organising was so clearly worthwhile judging from the responses of the runners and the donations the Chev is still receiving from the community.
“A massive thank you to the community for their generous donations,” says Sieff Sandringham Gardens will be getting its new busafter all!