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From Kumzits to Zumzitz at Sandringham Gardens



When the COVID-19 pandemic descended, Sandringham Gardens Shul was enjoying a large weekly turnout of residents and a consistently increasing number of non-residents.

After the Shabbos morning service, they would join the wider Sandringham Gardens community at a sumptuous brocha in the Nosh Café. Rabbi Fox would make kiddush and deliver a drosha, Arnold Garber would lead with Shabbos zmiros (songs of praise), and residents and guests would have the opportunity to share stories, tell a joke, and sing.

And then came lockdown, with the weekly gatherings off-limits and participants feeling a profound sense of loss.

Fox and Garber set up a weekly Zoom meeting on a Thursday evening to re-establish the spirit of the brocha. The Zumzitz, as this popular meeting in the Nosh Café has become known, offers the opportunity to interact with participants from all over the world.

Over the past two years, guests such as entertainers Roman Grinberg, Nik Rabinowitz, Jonathan Birin, and Ivor Joffe have joined. And, Sandringham Gardens has celebrated a number of special occasions, such as the surprise presentation for Fox’s 50th birthday of more than 50 video clips of residents expressing their sentiments.

Regular features include Les Glassman giving the “Israel Report” and Eric Stillerman the “South Africa Report”. Time is set aside for videos showcasing special events at the different Chevrah Kadisha sites. Jeff Allen sets the Shabbos tone with beautiful zmiros, Sandringham Gardens resident David Friedlander delivers a weekly golden oldie, and everyone wants to hear if Allan Buzansky, another Sandringham Gardens resident, has a new joke. Time is allowed for overseas family interaction and most importantly, residents and friends of the Sandringham Gardens Shul have the opportunity to stay connected.

Everyone is welcome to join as an observer or a participant at

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