
Happy 80th, Herzlia!
The school celebrated its 80th birthday on Sunday, 1 March, with a carnival on the Constantia school fields.
The field was packed with inflatable rides for kids, a half pipe and ramps, a rocket launcher, go karts, and plenty of food. The food court was filled with bobbas and zaidas (grandmas and grandpas) enjoying a lovely cup of tea and a something nice. There were falafels, cookies and cream, and the parent-teachers association ran the tuck shops. Arts and crafts was run by ArtJamming, and the Kidz Zone was run by the school’s pre-primary assistance.
MC Nik Rabinowitz had the crowd in stitches, and Rabbi Sean Cannon opened the proceedings with a short dvar Torah (word of Torah) on the concept of joy and celebration.
Dressed in his Herzlia blazer, Matthew Gruzd, a Herzlia alumnus and the chairperson of United Herzlia Schools, thanked everyone involved in organising the event. The schools’ new executive director, Andries van Renssen, also wearing a Herzlia blazer, introduced himself to the crowd and shared his excitement at being part of the celebration.
Director of Education Geoff Cohen thanked everyone for organising the carnival. The birthday cake was brought out, candles and sparklers were lit, happy birthday was sung, and the fun started. The event was streamed live over Facebook so that alumni all over the world could join in the celebration.
“We are living in interesting times in South Africa, so it’s important to celebrate all the good things we have and enjoy them,” said Cohen. “Herzlia’s 80th birthday celebrations reminds us of how fortunate we are to have a world-class Jewish school on our doorstep.”