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To JJ, the pool has become her second home




From early on, her exceptional freestyle kick became her hallmark. JJ, as she is known by her teammates, enjoys freestyle and butterfly. The mid to long distance events are her forte, namely the 200 free, 400 free, 800 free and 1500 free.

JJ is a determined young woman who is not afraid of hard work. She fully embraces the long hours and sacrifices necessary for success in the pool.

“Sometimes demanding school work and long training sets can take their toll, but I know that my school and my teachers are behind me 100 per cent and I always manage to juggle my school work, swimming and social life,” she says. 

“My friends are awesome and my amazing family are so supportive.”

JJ is currently ranked number 1 in South Africa, in the 16-year-old (born 2001) age group for the 400, 800 and 1500 freestyle.

JJ welcomes the toughest of sets, but her love for swimming is enhanced by her teammates and coaches at Waterborn. “My teammates are second family to me; we push and encourage each other – the pool is my second home.”

JJ aims to continue working hard with her coaches while keeping her eye on the 2020 Olympics.

Her motto is: “Don’t wish for it – work for it.”


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