Letters/Discussion Forums

Jewish defender Olga Meshoe talks love, not hate
Edna Freinkel
The auditorium and the shul should have been bursting with a record size audience. Olga and her parents, Rev Dr Kenneth and Dr Lydia Meshoe, are indeed G-d’s gift to the Jewish nation.
At a time when we feel that everybody hates us, with anti-Semitism rising throughout the world, it is heart-warming and healing to hear these Christian Zionists and many, many others like them, talk love instead of hate.
Olga described how she told Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) supporters that if they were really sincere about boycotting everything Jewish, they should boycott Moses, boycott King David, etc and especially their revered Christ as he was also Jewish.
They should boycott numerous items that make for comfortable living because they were invented by Jews.
There should be standing room only wherever any of our enthusiastic Christian Zionist friends, like Olga, speak to demonstrate our gratitude for their all-too-rare, but much needed support.
They should address shuls and Jewish schools throughout the country to feed love into our hearts.

nat cheiman
June 23, 2016 at 11:56 am
‘Olga is someone who uses her intellect, unlike your run of the mill ANC politician who is intellectually deficient’