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Stop flogging 2-state dead horse



Chonnie Romm

The Oslo Accord is dead; it was never something the Palestinians even remotely came close to accepting – one Intifada after another and refusing to accept up to 97 per cent of the West Bank as offered by former Premiers Ehud Barak and later Ehud Olmert.

Any land we give up for “peace” will backfire in our faces. We have only to refer to Gaza.

The world at large likes the idea of a two-state solution with the Palestinians. Many of our “friends” believe that from such a “solution”, the days of the State of Israel will be numbered: numerous hostile forces will make their way to our reduced borders.

Do we still talk about the possibility of a two-state solution because this is what Israel wants and needs, or because the world so demands it, or do we go along with it merely to placate such demands?

We know it won’t work and the world by and large knows it as well, but for its own reasons wishes to impose this suicidal “solution” on Israel.

Why does (PA President Mahmoud) Abbas consistently refuse to negotiate with (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu?

He knows that his demands will be laughed at by Israel. No matter how strong Israel is, and thank G-d it is very powerful, it will have its work cut out to defend the country if we accede to reduce our borders as demanded by Abbas and/or other “well-meaning friends”.

At least the status quo must remain and Israel will get stronger in every way as time goes on.

I believe that Israel should in fact annex the “territories” so that these become de jure part of Israel, being part of the land promised to us by Hashem.

Those who do not wish to be under Israeli sovereignty, can ask to be accepted by Jordan or any other Arab state nearby and in the likely event that such requests are refused, depart for the shores of Europe as hundreds of thousands of their faith have already done.

Many hundreds of thousands still have their eternal UN and UNRWA “refugee certificates” which the EU must recognise.

Obviously these proposals need to be fleshed out. There will be many in Israel and elsewhere who will disagree, for whatever reasons, including that it is still fashionable to talk about the impossible two-state solution, but Israel must always remain a single, undivided state.


Jerusalem and Johannesburg

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