
What’s in store for you this week
There is lots to read and talk about in this edition.
A very inspired project is the Israeli government’s Start-Up Tel Aviv competition which, through its embassies in 20 countries, looked for the best technology start-ups founded by women. The SA winner is off to Israel to learn from the best and brightest of the Start-Up Nation. Read about the glamourous awards event in Sandton this week (page 5).
Religious history was made last week when a group of Muslims joined the Wynberg, Cape Town congregation of Temple Israel for Friday evening services. More than 200 members welcomed the group of 30 Muslims who performed Maghrib – their sunset prayer – all in aid of furthering interfaith relation (page 2).
And finally succumbing to community pressure, two men who had refused to sign gets, have now come forward amid the Beth Din’s campaign to name and shame Jewish men who are refusing (page 4).
And from the world of Israelis on the “Most Wanted” lists, our two usual characters Rabbi Eliezer Berland and Shay Moslie continue to keep South African courts busy. They both have some hefty, Jewish legal brain power working on their extradition cases. (see page 3).
Writer and academic Shuki Friedman gives us food for thought in his piece on the Israeli public’s irrational fears of a “religionisation” happening in Israel. “Fear-mongering over the religious demon leads to exaggerated, hysterical descriptions that occur whenever an attempt is made to add a Jewish dimension to the Israeli public sphere, or to promote the expression of Jewish spiritual treasures,” Friedman writes. (see page 11).
There is also the usual mix of noteworthy community events, plus some good books to read for the holidays (page 15) and a delicious winter recipe (page 14).
Valkin will be on leave for the next two issues till July 18.