Letters/Discussion Forums

Zuma’s ‘better understanding’ of ME a fantasy
Nathan Cheiman
Firstly, both Abbas and Zuma are reputedly corrupt and, as yet, neither Zuma nor anyone from his government has condemned last week’s terrorist killings in Tel Aviv.
Tim Knight, a global journalist and Emmy award winning writer, has this to say about Zuma: “Zuma ranks high up there in the lengthy, ignoble pantheon of Africa’s notoriously corrupt and autocratic ‘Big Men’”.
To bolster his accusation, he adds: “You want evidence? Check the Internet and find some 4 000 references under the heading “Charges against Jacob Zuma”.
Secondly, it is difficult to perceive any trade between the two, as the Palestinian Authority exports little or nothing (other than terrorism).
Thirdly, neither Zuma, nor (former Deputy Minister) Aziz Pahad have any idea of the underlying difficulties afflicting potential dialogue between Israel and the Palestinians. In any event, because South Africa hosted and indeed feted Hamas on several occasions, it is unlikely that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (or any Israeli official), would entertain a discussion with any envoys from South Africa.
The “better understanding of the Israel-Palestinian situation” that Zuma claims he gained, is a fantasy of the mind.
In addition, the French initiative, for some unfathomable reason, excluded Israel and the Palestinians. Nor did the British, Germans, Japanese or Russians send their foreign ministers to France to attend. So much for the global inclination to resolve the impasse between Israel and the Palestinians.
South Africa, typically, sent the quintessential ignoramus (Minister of International Relations and Co-operation) Maite Nkoana-Mashabane to France as a representative.
Optimism, or just a free ride to France, is what our government ministers cherish. You decide.
Northcliff, Johannesburg