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Lone soldiers find family in strangers




“Telfed’s hearts went out to the many lone soldiers serving in the Gaza strip.” To add to the challenges, says Telfed’s Dorron Kline, “was when a number of these lone soldiers were sadly killed in battle.”

“Mega stores and Telfed have a long standing relationship when it comes to assisting Olim lone soldiers,” Dorron told Jewish Report. “Every Rosh Ha’Shanah and Pesach, Telfed distributes tens of Mega gift vouchers to Southern African and Australian Olim lone soldiers.

“This year, following Operation Protective Edge, Mega and Telfed expanded this wonderful project,” he says.

Telfed MegastoresRIGHT: Mega stores countrywide placed posters in their stores asking children to draw pictures and write cards for the lone soldiers

The pictures were collected and placed inside envelopes, together with a generous gift voucher from Mega. The envelopes were then distributed by five organisations that specialise in assisting lone soldiers nationwide: Telfed, the Michael Levin Lone Soldier Centre, Ha’Bayit Shel Benjy, Bayit Cham and Beit Kobi .

“A thousand envelopes were presented to the lone soldiers, together with much love and care,” says Dorron.

Mega has also been providing additional assistance for needy lone soldiers through the five organisations.

“On behalf of all the lone soldiers, Telfed salutes and thanks Mega stores for the important role they play in being a shining example to other companies in the realm of social responsibility,” says Dorron.

Haareetz’ “Rank and File” recognize initiative

“Not so alone: Several lone soldier associations founded by English-speaking immigrants have teamed up to show their appreciation for soldiers in the Israeli army who do not have close family in the country and have been fighting during Operation Protective Edge. Across the country, Mega supermarkets have placed posters in their stores asking children to draw pictures and write cards for the lone soldiers.” Wrote Haaretz. “The pictures and cards are to be collected and put in an envelope with a gift voucher. Then Telfed, the association supporting immigrants from southern Africa, will work with the Michael Levin Lone Soldier Center, Habayit Shel Benji, Bayit Cham and Beit Kobi, all groups founded by English-speaking immigrants, to distribute the envelopes to 1,000 lone soldiers nationwide. “It was clear from Operation Protective Edge that lone soldiers deserved a special show of gratitude,” said Telfed’s Dorron Kline.”

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