Letters/Discussion Forums

Slow ambulances belie Johannesburg’s boast
Jack Bloom
According to his family, an ambulance was called at 09:00 last week Wednesday, but only arrived at 13:30 when Hoker had already died after being driven to hospital in the van of a family friend.
This highlights once again the very poor ambulance service by the Johannesburg City Council which repeatedly boasts about providing a world-class response time.
The Council claims that more than 80 per cent of Priority 1 calls are responded to within 15 minutes. I have challenged this claim in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature as I receive many complaints about slow ambulance response times.
The Gauteng Health Department should step in and ensure that a decent ambulance service is provided to Johannesburg residents.
DA Gauteng Shadow MEC of Health

nat cheiman
June 23, 2016 at 12:21 pm
‘The Council are liars, the same the ANC politicians protecting Zuma and his cronies .
It is interesting to note that a statue of Mandela, placed in Ramallah, is far more important than services and running a \”world class city \”.
How about the police in Pretoria running out of ammo, during the Tshwane riots?
SA is the laughing stock of the world, and indeed, now Africa.