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WIZO – the mast in Israel’s storms

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The uppermost thought in our mind is the hostage deal and return of all the hostages to Israel. At the time of writing, we were overcome with emotion as the first seven hostages were released. Watching them embracing their families felt like we were all holding them close, and we wait with bated breath for the homecoming of the rest of them. The period ahead will bring challenging and traumatic moments, as we have seen with past deals since 7 October, but bringing all the hostages home is now an unequivocally clear goal.

The Women’s International Zionist Organisation (WIZO) is a Zionist movement connected by vision and passion for building and supporting feminism, social justice, and gender equality. We embody Judaism for all the principles it stands upon, and this is WIZO’s driving force.

From the start of this heinous war, WIZO was first on the ground, and mobilised our staff in support of the families of spouses who were, and are, serving in the reserves. Trauma and resilience counselling was high on the agenda as post stress disorders fluctuated. Domestic violence intensified, and WIZO’s service to help those who lost everything in the war was at an all-time high. This included building bomb shelters for children in the sensory rooms of their day care centres. With all of this, WIZO provided unwavering and iron clad services, and stood in solidarity with Israel as it faced its most challenging time ever.

Today, WIZO continues to make a valuable contribution to Israeli society as we drive positive change. Our projects uplift the Israeli people to the highest possible standards. Our resources, which include day care centres, youth villages, support for women in every shape and form, as well as a home for the elderly, meet the needs of the Israeli people as we lead, innovate, and revolutionise. With all of this, WIZO empowers the Jewish people and strengthens their identity and sense of purpose. Their resilience and recovery is our super power, and this confirms WIZO’s inevitable continuity.

WIZO continues to focus on the advancement of women, and works with the Israeli government to make sure that their needs are met. Our gold rating on the Maala ESG (environmental, social, and governance) Index for corporate responsibility is a true indication of our commitment, hard work, and outstanding results.

WIZO was there from the beginning, and it will be there to the end, facing storms in support of Israel’s recovery. Together and united, we are much stronger than we could ever imagine. WIZO supports the Jewish principle of life, which has the highest value. Whether it’s being there for every Israeli at every stage of their lives, ensuring that no-one falls between the cracks, or waiting with bated breath for the safe return of every hostage, WIZO is proudly there!

I pray that the Operation Wings of Freedom hostage deal brings peace, healing, and rebuilding as we continue to hold all the hostages, soldiers, and people of Israel in our hearts and prayers.

We will dance again!

Am Yisrael Chai.

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