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With friends like these we don’t need enemies



Avner Eliyahu Romm

I really think Israel would be honoured by everyone, if characters who are regarded by any decent, truthful and intelligent person as war criminals, criminals against humanity and criminals against peace, were not regarded as “Israel’s friends”.

I salute Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for reminding people about (Grand Mufti of Jerusalem) Haj Amin al Husseini’s role in the Holocaust. And I would like to mention that the leadership of what was called in the Second World War, “Al Hidaya” (“The Youth”, a faction of the movement, “the Young Muslims”, which recruited Muslims to the SS units formed by al-Husseini), later became the leadership of the SDA and of the Islamic regime in Bosnia-Herzegovina during the 1990s.

The regime of Croatia during the 1990s, as well as the terrorists in Kosmet (KLA) in Serbia, were sympathisers of Nazis and Nazi collaborators too. And for all those demons, the abovementioned “Friend of Israel” demonised, incited against, bombed, killed and maimed Serbs.

So really, I am disgusted at such “Friends of Israel”. And for the sake of honouring the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, (former US President) Bill Clinton should never be invited to any of his memorial ceremonies. Also, for the sake of honouring the memory of Rabin, his assassin, Yigal Amir, should receive amnesty, but with the clarification that it doesn’t justify the assassination.




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  1. Josh

    Nov 4, 2015 at 8:12 am

    ‘So you condemn Clinton a man who outright blasted Yasser Arafat for his role in collapsing peace talks with Israel. A man who was a true friend and yet you think that giving a man like Yigal Amir amnesty in honor of the man he killed is logical? That is in fact insane. 

    It would be the equivalent of the union giving John Wilkes Booth a medal for shooting Lincoln. It is a direct spit in the face of a man like Rabin who strove for peace. I find that statement by you to be highly insulting.

     And I am sorry how does granting  an official pardon not justify what he did? You would not give a child a sweet for drawing on the walls. By the same logic you would not release a man guilty of murdering someone in the name of the victim. 

    Exercise logic please ‘

  2. nat cheiman

    Nov 5, 2015 at 7:14 am

    ‘I agree. Both Clinton and Amir are taboo.’

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