
What’s On in SA Jewish Community
Friday (July 1)
* Cape Town Holocaust Centre hosts an exhibition, “Anne Frank: A History for Today”. It will run until July 21. Opening times: 07:30 – 18:00 daily. Venue: Nelson Mandela Gateway, V&A Waterfront
* UZLC hosts broadcaster and TV presenter Paula Slier on “The Middle East Up To Date”. Venue: Our Parents Home. Orchards. Time: 12:45 – 14:00. Contact: Gloria (011) 485-4851.
Saturday evening (July 2)
* Oxford Shul hosts its annual choir festival with choirs from Sydenham Shul, Pine Street Shul, Pretoria Shul, Linksfield Shul and Waverley Shul. Time: 19:45. Cost: R50 per ticket. Bookings: Oxford Shul office (011) 646-6020 or e-mail info@oxfordshul.com
Monday (July 4)
* UJW hosts journalist Anthony Katz on “A Misunderstood Court Case – SACRED vs the SAJBD. Venue: 1 Oak Street, Houghton. Time: 09:30. Donation: R40. Men and women welcome. No booking necessary.
Tuesday (July 5)
*WIZO Forum hosts Prof Lucille Blumberg of the Virology Institute on an “Update of Epidemic Proportions” on Zika and other viral threats and Jonathan Klotnick of the Travel Clinic on “Important Travel Tips for South Africans”. Venue: Beyachad, Raedene. Time: 09:30. Cost: R40 (incl tea). Bookings: Jenny (011) 645-2515 or wizojhb@beyachad.co.za
Wednesday (July 6)
* UJW Adult Education Division hosts Dr Lorraine Chaskalson, former lecturer dept. of English at Wits, on her seventh lecture on Hamlet. Venue: 1 Oak Street, Houghton. Time: 09:30. Donation: R40. Contact: (011) 648-1053.
Sunday (July 10)
* “Yiddish Nostalgia in Song” presented by Russel Lurie (soloist) and Evelyn Green (accompanist), narrated by Helen Heldenmuth and Tamar Olswang. Venue: 34 Fifth Street, Orange Grove. Time: 15:00. Refreshments will be served. Donation to Yad Aharon. Bookings: Russel Lurie 082-331-3019 or Evelyn Green (011) 728-5570, or 082-704-2322.
* Big Band Music Appreciation society meets at St John’s College auditorium in Houghton. This programme is compiled by Don Albert. A short DVD of big bands A BBC presentation) will be presented followed by an audiovisual presentation – on rare swing and big band music. Time: 14:15 sharp. Enquiries: Marilyn at 072-243-7436 or Jack at 082-450-762.
* JJAC invites Jewish singles aged 27 – 49 to come and watch the Wimbledon Men’s tennis final at Metzuyan. E-mail whatson@jjac.co.zafor details.
* Second Innings hosts Dr David Fig on “Will President Zuma Succeed in Going Ahead with Nuclear Procurement?” Venue: The Gerald Horwitz Lounge, Golden Acres. Time: 10:00 for 10:30. Cost: R20 members, R40 visitors (incl tea and light refreshments). Information: Tel (011) 532-9701.
Monday (July 11)
* JH&GC in association with the Professional Journalists’ Association of SA hosts a screening of the documentary “Telling Truths in Arusha”. Venue: JH&GC, 1 Duncombe Rd, Forest Town. Time: 19:30. Seating limited. No charge but donations welcome. Booking: shirley@jhbholocaust.co.za or (011) 640-3100/2148.