
Will Smith deserves Oscar for marriage
Will Smith did what every self-respecting husband would do. Oscars host Chris Rock made a joke at the expense of Will’s wife. Which wouldn’t have been so bad, until Will laughed. After being caught finding the quip funny, he quickly assessed the situation and figured that he needed to do something dramatic to prevent the inevitable conversation on the way home.
A conversation every male knows is earth’s version of hell.
It would go something like this. Silence. More silence. And then, “I can’t believe you laughed,” she would mumble almost as if to herself. She would continue to stare out of the window. And then there would be more silence.
Will would ultimately break, and in a strangled, desperate voice would respond, “I didn’t!” A weak attempt to be shocked at the allegation. But he did laugh. It was filmed. Which means that there would be no getting out of it.
And so, to prevent the conversation on the drive home, Will Smith chose to walk onto the stage and slap comedian Chris Rock across the face. He didn’t punch him but smacked him with an open hand. Next to pinching or pulling his hair, it was the least manly thing he could have done. But essentially, the most male. Because we’ll do anything to get out of that conversation.
There’s hardly a husband or boyfriend who hasn’t been subject to this talk. Everyone tells you that we’re born and we die alone, but no one tells men that the loneliest we will ever feel is late at night on the way home from an event where we have behaved unacceptably. Most of us, like Will Smith, would go so far as to risk giving up our hard-earned Oscars to get out of it. And it would be worth it.
Chris Rock won’t press charges. Of course, he won’t. As a husband, he would be well placed to understand and appreciate the position that Will Smith found himself in. He laughed when he shouldn’t have. And a price had to be paid. Rock would even have welcomed the slap, not just to help a friend out, because in a strange way, this could have altered the course of his own drive at the end of the evening. One that was likely to have been more stressful prior to the slap.
“I can’t believe that you made fun of her alopecia,” she would mutter under her breath as though to herself. “I’m a comedian,” he would plead, desperate for absolution. And she would nod slowly as if to say, “but comedians are meant to be funny.”
Instead, thanks to Smith, the Rocks’ drive would be animated and almost festive. She would be outraged on her husband’s behalf, livid with the bald woman, and horrified at the indignity of it all.
If viewed from a male perspective, the whole incident was pretty much a win-win.
No matter the consequences that follow or the debate that’s likely to rage for weeks as to whether he behaved terribly or not, one thing is certainly clear. Will Smith showed mastery in marriage. He took it to the next level, and for that he deserves an award.

anne Lapedus Brest
March 31, 2022 at 11:19 am
I agree with this article by Howard. it is EXACTLY as he says and how it happened.. Of course Rock’s “joke” was classless and tasteless, unfunny, and inappropriate, but Will Smith laughed!!!! what was he laughing at? yes, rather than get klappies from Jada, he went up and smacked Rock.. the whole thing was tasteless. I think Will Smith deserved a klap for laughing at a horrible joke at the expense of his wife.. that’s my say.
Wendy Kaplan Lewis
March 31, 2022 at 2:18 pm
Beautiful article
April 1, 2022 at 3:07 am
But what about the comments, replete with expletives, “after” the fact? That was a game changer.
Sue Clague
April 1, 2022 at 11:19 am
I just love your column, I go straight to it when I receive the Jewish Report, your article about Will Smith made me laugh out loud!!! Thank you for always cheering me up
Sharon Klugman
April 1, 2022 at 2:22 pm
Howard I couldn’t get the smile off my face reading your comment. You hit the nail on the head. I’m commenting from experience, married at 18 and now almost 80. Please keep me and all the other henpecked hubby’s and wives smiling. Thanks xxxx
Goodbye Howard
April 4, 2022 at 6:13 am
Not just condoning violence but praising it? Hopefully Howard this was the last article of yours that will be printed as this is not what human nor Jewish morals is about. Surely if you see yourself as an author, would adopt the mantra “the pen is mightier than the sword”.
Vincent Cikes
April 5, 2022 at 1:28 am
We call it a post mortem in our house
Only a married man will understanding what he is going through.
He can look forward to a deaf and numb breakfast as well.
April 5, 2022 at 5:19 pm
Oy… this point of view feels like it belongs back in the 50’s.
A.C. - JHB
April 5, 2022 at 5:25 pm
Oy…this point of view feels like it belongs in the 50’s.