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Our opinions on what Israel should do don’t matter as much as they did a few decades ago. Israel is a strong, thriving country today.
“SA’s relationship with Palestine is weakening and its relationship with Israel is strengthening in terms of Trade and other relations..." wrote SAJR last week. “I have...
The Ahmed Kathrada Foundation responds to a letter by Ariel Ziv originally posted on SAJR Online
The Oscar Pistorius trial still has many of us glued to our television screens. It somehow substantiates the saying that truth is stranger than fiction because...
Stay in touch with all the latest news on the Shuvu Banim Breslovs with Jewish Report Online. You’ll find everything there is to know here.
Chabad’s JLI division is embarking on an incredible series of teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Read all about them. Distilled into six succinct lessons, this empowering...
Johannesburg councillor headed for Parliament insisted way back in Jauary that SAJR print a prediction. He was spot-on!
SA Jewry’s doyen of Zionist communications, Bev Goldman, trolls the web to bring SAJR Online users the top Zionist reads of the week. Unfortunately, we let...
“SA’s relationship with Palestine is weakening and its relationship with Israel is strengthening in terms of Trade and other relations..." so said Na'eem Jeenah, the executive...
Our R8,000 Luxury getaway competition has been won & we have 2 more – Brunch with Dr Ruth and Graze with the Kashrut-SA wise-guys.
LATEST: Street party in Glenhazel for Rebbetzen Berland; Followers have rented a warehouse in Bedford View where many of them are now staying; Yaron Yamin has...
A Zim newspaper even mistook him and ran his picture on front page captioned as R. Berland
As always, there is lots going on for the Jewish Community around the country. Contact local leadership for additional activities.
Bribe-taking seems to be so pervasive in South Africa these days - not just by traffic police, but by the most senior government officials - that...
One of Rabbi Berland’s (pictured) closest associates and financial backers is the elusive Zimbabwean mining billionaire Yaron Yamin. But just who is Yamin, why is he...
Five months ago, under the heading “Make Us Count”, the Board embarked on a series of initiatives aimed at encouraging the Jewish community to become involved...
The Pre-Primary little ones of Theodor Herzl in Port Elizabeth, celebrated Israel’s 66th birthday with enthusiasm.
It was more reminiscent of a scene from the pulsing night clubs of Tel Aviv than Johannesburg, as nearly 1,000 revellers crammed into Hush Nightclub in...
SAUJS national chair Ariela Carno (pic) & treasurer Natan Pollack in Washington this week to attend AJC congress
The Cape Town Jewish community is reeling after facing three balegans in just one week. The first was the resignation of a popular Rabbi, the second...
Yom Ha’atzmaut is one of the highlights of the Yeshiva College calendar.
Self-proclaimed "rabbi" & cult leader Chen gets 24 years – claim of defence lawyer’s conflict of interest
Prominent community leader Chuck Volpe took the opportunity to unpack the issue of anti-Semitism while giving the Yom HaShoah address in Port Elizabeth recently
“"In My laws" is the literal translation from Hebrew. If you are to walk in My path, promises G-d, a blessing is to come: Rain in...
Johannesburg Jewry marked Israel’s 66th birthday with a well-attended Yom Ha’atzmaut celebratory dinner at the upmarket venue of Summer Place in Sandton on Monday evening.
There was again an impressive turnout for the annual Yom Hazikaron ceremony in Johannesburg on Sunday, with an estimated 1 700 people crowding into the Yeshiva...
The 2014 elections have come and gone. We take them so much for granted today. Isn’t it incredible?
I remember when I was studying accountancy at Wits in the early 1970s, we had to do an audit of a furniture factory owned by an...
LATEST: R. Eliezer Berland was at “Next Door” last week Tuesday evening; his wife flew in from Israel on the Monday accompanied by his Zim follower...
The Jewish world has just celebrated Yom Ha’atzmaut and in a few weeks’ time will celebrate Yom Yerushalayim, the 47th anniversary of the liberation of Jerusalem.
The SAZF has come under criticism from all sides for an advert they placed in the Pesach edition of the Jewish Report – see below story...
Students guilty of disrupting concert by Israeli-born Yossi Reshef last year refuse to do their community service. Reusenick-in-chief Tokelo Nhlapo (pictured) says it is their duty...
Betar-SA will be holding a week-long winter camp which they have dubbed “Machaneh Hatchalah Chadasha” (or “New Beginnings”) in Port Edward in KZN – and they...
We’re giving away five copies of Suzanne Belling’s gripping new book, “Blood Money: The Cyril Karabus Story.” Publishers Jakana will deliver the book in the format...
BERNARD KATZ upset at SAZF e-mail last week" "Which can only be interpreted as a call for Jews to vote for the ACDP," he says
Readers from around SA and globally have been following the story with us and the various items have tghousands of reads. The latest updates include an...
The SAZF has spent 65 years upping the ante on their celebrations for Yom Ha’atzmaut & Yom Hazikaron. And this year is no different. They have...
The SAZF, Israel Centre and sponsors invite 20 to 35-year-olds to the first ever Yom Haatzmaut celebrations “YH 66” - a night of blue and white...
Temple Israel invites all to a special Shabbat service in memory of Rabbi Moses Cyrus Weiler z”l - the founding Rabbi of the South African Progressive...