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Donald Trump deserves title of Righteous Gentile



Rabbi Ben Isaacson, Johannesburg

The name Donald Trump was known to me only insofar as he was a famous billionaire, which frankly did not interest me. As the election campaign got off, the impression I gained was that Trump was a bad guy undeserving of any honourable place in public life, let alone the presidency.

CNN, the only broadcaster we get in this country, did everything possible within the framework of character assassination, even conjuring up a group of frustrated women who claimed he had abused them (in one case 25 years previously). Following their brief appearance on the world stage they disappeared. So it has been with CNN and the liberal-left media in general.

Trump was called every word in its vocabulary: fascist, racist, women hater, dishonest – you name it! CNN and its bevy of liberal panellists continue their daily menu of slander, mockery and conspiracy theorising. They should be renamed what they really are – liberal fascists.

It is a sad fact that the vast majority of American Jews voted for Hillary Clinton who, during the election campaign, never once mentioned Israel’s security.

Leading Democrat Bernie Sanders openly sided with the Palestinians suggesting that the US should decrease its aid to Israel. Democratic officials in the Obama State Department stated the same theme. And of course, Obama abandoned Israel at the “Anti-Semitic UN Security Council”.

Trump, by contrast, continually stressed his unconditional support for the Jewish State. Interestingly, the Orthodox community in the main supported him, in particular the yeshivot. Trump responded in kind. His policy at the UN as enumerated by his brilliant UN Ambassador Nikki Hailey, can be summed up in these words: “Keep your hands off Israel.” His standing in Jewish circles continues to rise.

Trump, I believe, deserves the title “Righteous Gentile”. He reminds me of king Cyrus of Persia, who on conquering Babylon in 538 BCE, pronounced the declaration of freedom for the Jewish exiles to return to Jerusalem and build the Second Temple. A second Darius has now visited the Holy Land.

PS: Anyone interested in knowing the truth about the president are referred to the book “The Trump Revolution” by my daughter Ilana Mercer, a well-known writer and campaigner for the President.



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1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    May 25, 2017 at 1:12 pm

    ‘Well articulated Rabbi, and indeed a book for everyone (especially Jews)’

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