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Letters/Discussion Forums

Judaism is a tree with many branches – and withering leafs



John Brenner

On behalf of “The Society for the Reconciliation of Jews in Difficult Times” I am writing this letter. I address it to all Jews, irrespective of their religious affiliation.

Humanity can be likened to a forest. Judaism is like a tree in the forest, (albeit a special tree). The trunk represents the observant Jews; the branches represent the various (numerous) offshoots.

The seeds may give rise to new trees, such as Christianity, which in turn gives rise to other branches such as Roman Catholicism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anglicans, Presbyterians etc. Some seeds give rise to Islam with branches such as Sunni, Shia, Alawites and extremists such as ISIL.

The leaves represent Jews who are removed from their Judaism. Once their work is done, they fall off, decay and become nutrients for other trees. The leaves are permanently lost to the trunk. Examples of these Jews are Einstein, Freud, Marx, Theodor Herzl, Franz Kafka, etc.

Of special interest is Kafka. One of his books may have been the template for civil servants, government ideologies, commercial call centres etc in South Africa where dealing with bureaucracy is a nightmare. 

Collins Dictionary says of Kafka’s writings: “He portrays man’s fear, isolation and bewilderment in a nightmarish dehumanised world.”



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