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Kasrils’ rant has hidden agenda



Allan Wolman, Johannesburg

Methinks not, and methinks Kasrils’ agenda once again needs the exposure it deserves. First, the singing of another country’s national anthem is democracy at work. Democracy that Kasrils himself fought so hard for, yet has done precious little to defend as a result of him and his comrades putting party before country. Yet, what does “Red Ronnie” devote almost an entire page to? A section of the population that he despises.

Second, he fails to criticise his fellow travellers, the elite of the ruling party, who opt to send their children to elite private schools, who opt to have medical treatment abroad, all issues that are of national interest, especially given the current exposure of state capture, but our Ronnie chooses to focus on one of the smallest minority groups in this country, with a population of less than 70 000 people.

The school that Kasrils is targeting followed a democratic path in deciding to have the national anthem of another country sung alongside our own, but Kasrils, like many of his comrades in the party, seems to have little respect for that process, and the promotion of anti-Semitic tropes takes precedence over a system that he supposedly struggled for.

Sadly, our country is getting more polarised by the day, yet Ronnie stokes the fires of hatred and polarisation instead of putting the ideals of democracy first. Isn’t that the agenda that needs exposure? Instead of devoting a page to inconsequential school news, he turns it into his personal hate campaign.

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