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The three words nobody wants to hear




Few can brag of not being touched by this dreadful disease, either personally or through a friend or loved one. Cancer seems to occupy centre stage in our everyday lives.

Are we gripped in mass hysteria, or are cancer rates proliferating in our community to epic proportions? And if so, what is causing cancer rates to soar?

“Awareness of cancer has increased and people talk more openly about cancer which is why it seems as though there is more cancer present,” says Professor Bernard Donde of DMO – De Mûelenaere Oncology.

“In fact, the statistics show that only a few cancers such as melanomas and liver cancer are increasing significantly.

“While cancer does occur in young people, it is predominantly a disease of the aged. People are living longer and this might be why more cases are being reported. Sharing experiences of cancer between family and friends, creates awareness, which promotes early detection and saves lives.” he says.

Donde believes that media exposure creating a sense of awareness and earlier cancer detection, means that nowadays we are really made more aware of rising cancer rates. Donde also highlights that longevity and quality of life has improved in patients with cancer, due to early detection as well as medical advances.

Michelle Goodman, MD of Cancer Support Group DL Link, is witness to growing numbers of cancer patients. When her own daughter Devorah Leah aged 32, tragically succumbed to this cruel disease, the heartbroken mother honoured her daughter’s ardent wish that an organisation be formed to support cancer patients and their families.

This was in 2008. For the first two years, DL Link offered support to 60 patients, delivering meals, lifts, lectures, and a myriad other services. Like proverbial wild mushrooms, membership swelled to more than 120 patients within five years.

Currently there are 700 Jewish patients and chronic cancer survivors needing support.

“We hear of almost two newly-diagnosed cancer cases daily,” says Goodman. She theorises that modern stressed lifestyles have a lot to do with the cancer rate increase.

“Chemicals in the food, hormones in meat and chicken, cell phones… there are a myriad reasons,” she says.

CANSA SA confirms Donde and Goodman’s findings with global statistics pointing to cancer worldwide killing more people than TB, Aids and malaria combined. In fact, there will be a 20 per cent increase in cancer in 15 years.

Cancer has no limits. This means 14 million people annually will hear these words…  “You have cancer.”.



Every year 14 million people worldwide will be diagnosed with cancer.

One in four South Africans is affected by cancer through diagnosis of family, friends or self.

Ninety per cent of cancers are caused by environmental and lifestyle factors such as smoking, diet, obesity, lack of exercise.

More than 100 000 South Africans are diagnosed with cancer every year.

South African cancer survival rate is 6/10.

*National Cancer Registry (2012)

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