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JR editor GEOFF SIFRIN interviews visiting president of Yeshiva U, RICHARD JOEL, on his recent SA fundraising & speaking tour
Around the world of Jewish news in seven seconds - snippets of the latest news from the Middle East and around the World.
Most of those who have just started writing matric are unaware how close SA came to plunging into chaos and bloodshed when they were in primary...
A storm among UK Jewry about the relationship between Orthodox Jewry and Limmud, has echoes in Jewish communities worldwide, including SA
Release may have paved way for resumption of talks but has increased tensions in Israel’s governing coalition
Israel started to conceive their new disaster communications centre after 9/11 and commissioned it after Carmel. Now they are offering to share the tech with the...
“It made me very proud to be an SA Jew,” MDA-SA patron Michael Bagraim told Jewish Report after returning from Israel this week
What is my definition of Jew? This is a very modern question, asked OF us by our increasing engagement with the secular, modern world and asked...
After unintentionally spooking markets with talk of succession planning in latest annual report, Joffe assures that he is not leaving yet
BDS had to do damage control in the wake of the “Shoot the Jew” incident at Wits and Muhammed Desai’s ill-conceived attempt to invoke the “Malema...
Jacobson is also integrally involved with International Nahum Goldmann Fellowship, where he acts as an advisor and has been responsible for creating a local Mini Fellowship...
Herzlia wins prestige disability award from Jay's (pic) foundation. He's coming to SA to assess disabled Jewry's needs
Israeli flag flew over Presidential Guest House as Ambassador presented his credentials to President Jacob Zuma, with a basket of veggies. Read what Lenk had to...
A jam-packed auditorium at Sandton-based Regenesys graduate business school bore witness to trustee Bertie Lubner receiving a lifetime award
After his “uncouth” rejection of gift of 18 trees, ex-ambassador unwittingly becomes top donor as SA friends of Israel rally to plant 3542 in his name...
DA joins ANC criticism of Marius Fransman's anti-Semitism which the minister denies in a veiled apology that appeases nobody writes ANT KATZ
Tit-for-tat letters supporting & opposing UK Chief Rabbi's call to attend Dec Limmud conference has the whole community talking writes ANT KATZ
New Beyachad-based consulate to open one half day monthly writes DIANE WOLFSON with "further expansions in the foreseeable future"
A couple of laughs and some new words to learn for the many who are following and learning the joys of the not-forgotten language of Yiddish
“The size of the Holocaust is so big, it is incomprehensible. I wanted to individualise it by understanding how the atrocity touched particular families.”
Co-owner Saul Mervis talks to ROBYN SASSEN after hearing that his Rosebank Grillhouse had been recognised as one of the top restaurants in the world.
Head of KDVP High English Dept, Elizabeth Leaver, is awarded her doctorate in English and lauded by award-winning author Prof DAVID MEDALIE
Martin Zagnoev is reminded of atime in Jewish history when many thought we were hated because we were so different & asks if we can't learn...
It is time that we, as SA Jewry with a history of being responsible citizens & fighting against society’s ills, make our voice heard writes Josh,...
It's off to New York Kosherfest Expo for best-selling ‘Butcher’s Wife’ author who joins top-10 kosher cook book authors like Suzi Fishbein & Jamie Geller.
A real hero is someone who is brave, committed & makes a tremendous contribution to the community writes Rabbi Shmuel Kagan
Jewish Report’s ANT KATZ sat down this week for a post-Shabbos Project interview with the architect of the acclaimed event, CHIEF RABBI WARREN GOLDSTEIN
Community needs to find a way to allow anyone who wants to attend Limmud without pressure or risk to their positions, and that will not push...
An enquiring mind led to a plucky US teenager discovering that kosher chicken is half as likely to carry dangerous E.coli virus
Community pays glowing tribute to the dynamic Tanzer couple’s long association with Yeshiva College at a glitzy tribute dinner writes SHIRA DRUION
Oil prices spiked when “#YomKippur73” tweeted that Israel has bombarded Syrian airports. It was sort of true
US peddler of chazzerai won’t carry Chanukah or Pesach deco as it conflicts with CEO Steve Green’s “Christian values”
SA-expat & now-Israeli citizen Michael Levitt, together with fellow Israeli and former student & Austrian-American take 2013 Jewish Nobel laureates to six
The Jewish National Fund wins prestige green award “The legacy of this work has had an impact all over the world, including in Africa” says JNF-SA’s...
A Jewish family is asking Austria to restitute the Beethoven Frieze, a painting by Gustav Klimt that is considered a national treasure, the family's lawyer confirmed...
The American NGO Israel advocacy group StandWithUs has launched an ad campaign on Canadian buses to counter an anti-Israel ad campaign by BDS.
ANC veteran MP Ben Turok this week lodged a complaint with his party against W/Cape chair for making anti-Semitic comments about the Jewish community last week.
Only in America… this ad for a "Pet Laundrette" claims it can meet all a pet-owner's "Bark Mitzvah Needs"!
DIRCO replaced their ambassador to Israel last Dec with the most savvy & experienced candidate available, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary* Sisa Ngombane.
WIZO held competition for kids to design labels on tzedakah boxes. Entries flooded in & 3 girls, one each from Durban, Joburg and Cape Town scooped...