
Remarkable young women step into the world
When the class of 2024 first entered high school, academics wasn’t their primary focus, and the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic only added to the challenge. Yet, through resilience and hard work, its students have emerged as scholars and critical thinkers. Today, we celebrate their inspiring journey and the incredible growth that they have achieved, academically and personally. It’s with immense hakoras hatov (gratitude) to Hashem and recognition of the efforts of our students and staff that we honour their success.
It would be sufficient for us to express our gratitude for the impressive average of 3.6 distinctions per candidate and the exceptional averages of over 80% in most subjects. It would also be fitting to thank Hashem for nearly a quarter of all results being over 90%, and for more than half of all results being distinctions. However, the real acknowledgement is owed to our students for their exceptional unity, care, and respect.
This diverse group of students has embodied values beyond academics. These young ladies have always welcomed new students and accepted each other with warmth and joy, no matter the circumstances. They have supported one another through the turbulent landscape of adolescence, and stood by each other through the vicissitudes of high school. The non-judgemental approach they have shown towards each other and toward everyone at school has ensured a deep sense of peace and happiness around them.
They celebrate each other’s successes – whether it be academic excellence, weightlifting, dancing, overcoming anxiety, birthdays, or family simchas. They embody what it means to be well-rounded, sincere, and balanced individuals. Their kindness, care, generosity, loyalty, and gratitude reflect the refined middos (character traits) that Hirsch Lyons prides itself on. Our matrics are committed to sanctifying Hashem’s name by emulating His ways of kindness and living balanced Torah lives.
What a blessing it is to have these remarkable young women stepping into the world, making it a brighter place! May their perseverance, respect, kindness, warmth, and unique spirit continue to uplift the world around them, just as they have at our school.
Matrics of 2024, we’re incredibly proud of you and your outstanding achievements. Your acts of kindness and care for others exemplify the middos we strive to instil in our students. Thank you for setting such a fine example and for demonstrating that many of life’s challenges can be transformed into opportunities for growth and excellence. We wish you every success in the next chapter of your lives, please G-d.